These are the meanings of the letters ERLTTSE when you unscramble them.
- letters (unknown)
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- Settler (n.)
A vessel, as a tub, in which something, as pulverized ore suspended in a liquid, is allowed to settle.
- Settler (n.)
Especially, one who establishes himself in a new region or a colony; a colonist; a planter; as, the first settlers of New England.
- Settler (n.)
One who settles, becomes fixed, established, etc.
- Settler (n.)
That which settles or finishes; hence, a blow, etc., which settles or decides a contest.
- Sterlet (n.)
A small sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) found in the Caspian Sea and its rivers, and highly esteemed for its flavor. The finest caviare is made from its roe.
- Trestle (n.)
A movable frame or support for anything, as scaffolding, consisting of three or four legs secured to a top piece, and forming a sort of stool or horse, used by carpenters, masons, and other workmen; also, a kind of framework of strong posts or piles, and crossbeams, for supporting a bridge, the track of a railway, or the like.
- Trestle (n.)
The frame of a table.