We found 18 words by descrambling these letters ZFRIE

4 Letter Words Unscrambled From ZFRIE

3 Letter Words Unscrambled From ZFRIE

2 Letter Words Unscrambled From ZFRIE

More About The Unscrambled Letters in ZFRIE

Our word finder found 18 words from the 5 scrambled letters in E F I R Z you searched for.

These valid words can be used in all popular word scramble games, including Scrabble, Words With Friends, and similar word games.

Furthermore, we grouped the unscrambled letters into the following categories:

What Can The Letters ZFRIE Mean ?

These are the meanings of the letters ZFRIE when you unscramble them.

  • Fire (n.)
    Anything which destroys or affects like fire.
  • Fire (n.)
    Ardor of passion, whether love or hate; excessive warmth; consuming violence of temper.
  • Fire (n.)
    Fuel in a state of combustion, as on a hearth, or in a stove or a furnace.
  • Fire (n.)
    Liveliness of imagination or fancy; intellectual and moral enthusiasm; capacity for ardor and zeal.
  • Fire (n.)
    Splendor; brilliancy; luster; hence, a star.
  • Fire (n.)
    The burning of a house or town; a conflagration.
  • Fire (n.)
    The discharge of firearms; firing; as, the troops were exposed to a heavy fire.
  • Fire (n.)
    The evolution of light and heat in the combustion of bodies; combustion; state of ignition.
  • Fire (n.)
    Torture by burning; severe trial or affliction.
  • Fire (v. i.)
    To be irritated or inflamed with passion.
  • Fire (v. i.)
    To discharge artillery or firearms; as, they fired on the town.
  • Fire (v. i.)
    To take fire; to be kindled; to kindle.
  • Fire (v. t.)
    To animate; to give life or spirit to; as, to fire the genius of a young man.
  • Fire (v. t.)
    To cause to explode; as, to fire a torpedo; to disharge; as, to fire a musket or cannon; to fire cannon balls, rockets, etc.
  • Fire (v. t.)
    To cauterize.
  • Fire (v. t.)
    To drive by fire.
  • Fire (v. t.)
    To feed or serve the fire of; as, to fire a boiler.
  • Fire (v. t.)
    To inflame; to irritate, as the passions; as, to fire the soul with anger, pride, or revenge.
  • Fire (v. t.)
    To light up as if by fire; to illuminate.
  • Fire (v. t.)
    To set on fire; to kindle; as, to fire a house or chimney; to fire a pile.
  • Fire (v. t.)
    To subject to intense heat; to bake; to burn in a kiln; as, to fire pottery.
  • Friz (n.)
    That which is frizzed; anything crisped or curled, as a wig; a frizzle.
  • Friz (v. t.)
    To curl or form into small curls, as hair, with a crisping pin; to crisp.
  • Friz (v. t.)
    To form into little burs, prominences, knobs, or tufts, as the nap of cloth.
  • Friz (v. t.)
    To soften and make of even thickness by rubbing, as with pumice stone or a blunt instrument.
  • Reif (n.)
    Robbery; spoil.
  • Rife (a.)
    Having power; active; nimble.
  • Rife (a.)
    Prevailing; prevalent; abounding.

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