These are the meanings of the letters VTIHNWIE when you unscramble them.
- Invite (v. i.)
To give invitation.
- Invite (v. t.)
To allure; to draw to; to tempt to come; to induce by pleasure or hope; to attract.
- Invite (v. t.)
To ask; to request; to bid; to summon; to ask to do some act, or go to some place; esp., to ask to an entertainment or visit; to request the company of; as, to invite to dinner, or a wedding, or an excursion.
- Invite (v. t.)
To give occasion for; as, to invite criticism.
- Whiten (v. i.)
To grow white; to turn or become white or whiter; as, the hair whitens with age; the sea whitens with foam; the trees in spring whiten with blossoms.
- Whiten (v. t.)
To make white; to bleach; to blanch; to whitewash; as, to whiten a wall; to whiten cloth.
- Within (adv.)
In the house; in doors; as, the master is within.
- Within (adv.)
In the inner part; inwardly; internally.
- Within (prep.)
Hence, inside the limits, reach, or influence of; not going outside of; not beyond, overstepping, exceeding, or the like.
- Within (prep.)
In the inner or interior part of; inside of; not without; as, within doors.
- Within (prep.)
In the limits or compass of; not further in length than; as, within five miles; not longer in time than; as, within an hour; not exceeding in quantity; as, expenses kept within one's income.