These are the meanings of the letters UTAKONVE when you unscramble them.
- Atone (v. i.)
To agree; to be in accordance; to accord.
- Atone (v. i.)
To stand as an equivalent; to make reparation, compensation, or amends, for an offense or a crime.
- Atone (v. t.)
To make satisfaction for; to expiate.
- Atone (v. t.)
To set at one; to reduce to concord; to reconcile, as parties at variance; to appease.
- Atone (v. t.)
To unite in making.
- Knave (n.)
A boy; especially, a boy servant.
- Knave (n.)
A playing card marked with the figure of a servant or soldier; a jack.
- Knave (n.)
A tricky, deceitful fellow; a dishonest person; a rogue; a villain.
- Knave (n.)
Any male servant; a menial.
- Knout (n.)
A kind of whip for flogging criminals, formerly much used in Russia. The last is a tapering bundle of leather thongs twisted with wire and hardened, so that it mangles the flesh.
- Knout (v. t.)
To punish with the knout.
- novae (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Oaken (a.)
Made or consisting of oaks or of the wood of oaks.
- Oaten (a.)
Consisting of an oat straw or stem; as, an oaten pipe.
- Oaten (a.)
Made of oatmeal; as, oaten cakes.
- Ovate (a.)
Having the shape of an egg, or of the longitudinal sectior of an egg, with the broader end basal.
- Ovate (a.)
Shaped like an egg, with the lower extremity broadest.
- Taken ()
p. p. of Take.
- tauon (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Token (n.)
A bit of leather having a peculiar mark designating a particular miner. Each hewer sends one of these with each corf or tub he has hewn.
- Token (n.)
A livid spot upon the body, indicating, or supposed to indicate, the approach of death.
- Token (n.)
A memorial of friendship; something by which the friendship of another person is to be kept in mind; a memento; a souvenir.
- Token (n.)
A piece of metal given beforehand to each person in the congregation who is permitted to partake of the Lord's Supper.
- Token (n.)
A piece of metal intended for currency, and issued by a private party, usually bearing the name of the issuer, and redeemable in lawful money. Also, a coin issued by government, esp. when its use as lawful money is limited and its intrinsic value is much below its nominal value.
- Token (n.)
Something given or shown as a symbol or guarantee of authority or right; a sign of authenticity, of power, good faith, etc.
- Token (n.)
Something intended or supposed to represent or indicate another thing or an event; a sign; a symbol; as, the rainbow is a token of God's covenant established with Noah.
- Token (n.)
Ten and a half quires, or, commonly, 250 sheets, of paper printed on both sides; also, in some cases, the same number of sheets printed on one side, or half the number printed on both sides.
- Token (n.)
To betoken.
- Vaunt (n.)
A vain display of what one is, or has, or has done; ostentation from vanity; a boast; a brag.
- Vaunt (n.)
The first part.
- Vaunt (v. i.)
To boast; to make a vain display of one's own worth, attainments, decorations, or the like; to talk ostentatiously; to brag.
- Vaunt (v. t.)
To boast of; to make a vain display of; to display with ostentation.
- Vaunt (v. t.)
To put forward; to display.