These are the meanings of the letters USTEYIPE when you unscramble them.
- etuis (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Peise (n.)
A weight; a poise.
- Peise (v. t.)
To poise or weight.
- pesty (unknown)
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- Piety (n.)
Duty; dutifulness; filial reverence and devotion; affectionate reverence and service shown toward parents, relatives, benefactors, country, etc.
- Piety (n.)
Veneration or reverence of the Supreme Being, and love of his character; loving obedience to the will of God, and earnest devotion to his service.
- Piste (n.)
The track or tread a horseman makes upon the ground he goes over.
- Seepy (a.)
Alt. of Sipy
- setup (unknown)
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- situp (unknown)
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- Spite (n.)
Ill-will or hatred toward another, accompanied with the disposition to irritate, annoy, or thwart; petty malice; grudge; rancor; despite.
- Spite (n.)
Vexation; chargrin; mortification.
- Spite (v. t.)
To be angry at; to hate.
- Spite (v. t.)
To fill with spite; to offend; to vex.
- Spite (v. t.)
To treat maliciously; to try to injure or thwart.
- Steep (a.)
Bright; glittering; fiery.
- Steep (n.)
A precipitous place, hill, mountain, rock, or ascent; any elevated object sloping with a large angle to the plane of the horizon; a precipice.
- Steep (n.)
A rennet bag.
- Steep (n.)
Something steeped, or used in steeping; a fertilizing liquid to hasten the germination of seeds.
- Steep (v. i.)
To undergo the process of soaking in a liquid; as, the tea is steeping.
- Steep (v. t.)
Difficult of access; not easy reached; lofty; elevated; high.
- Steep (v. t.)
Excessive; as, a steep price.
- Steep (v. t.)
Making a large angle with the plane of the horizon; ascending or descending rapidly with respect to a horizontal line or a level; precipitous; as, a steep hill or mountain; a steep roof; a steep ascent; a steep declivity; a steep barometric gradient.
- Steep (v. t.)
To soak in a liquid; to macerate; to extract the essence of by soaking; as, to soften seed by steeping it in water. Often used figuratively.
- Stipe (n.)
The stalk of a pistil.
- Stipe (n.)
The stalk or petiole of a frond, as of a fern.
- Stipe (n.)
The stem of a fungus or mushroom.
- Stipe (n.)
The trunk of a tree.
- Stupe (n.)
A stupid person.
- Stupe (v. t.)
Cloth or flax dipped in warm water or medicaments and applied to a hurt or sore.
- Stupe (v. t.)
To foment with a stupe.
- Suety (a.)
Consisting of, or resembling, suet; as, a suety substance.
- Suite (n.)
A connected series or succession of objects; a number of things used or clessed together; a set; as, a suite of rooms; a suite of minerals. See Suit, n., 6.
- Suite (n.)
A retinue or company of attendants, as of a distinguished personage; as, the suite of an ambassador. See Suit, n., 5.
- Suite (n.)
One of the old musical forms, before the time of the more compact sonata, consisting of a string or series of pieces all in the same key, mostly in various dance rhythms, with sometimes an elaborate prelude. Some composers of the present day affect the suite form.
- Tipsy (superl.)
Being under the influence of strong drink; rendered weak or foolish by liquor, but not absolutely or completely drunk; fuddled; intoxicated.
- Tipsy (superl.)
Staggering, as if from intoxication; reeling.
- tyees (unknown)
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- types (unknown)
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- Upset (a.)
Set up; fixed; determined; -- used chiefly or only in the phrase upset price; that is, the price fixed upon as the minimum for property offered in a public sale, or, in an auction, the price at which property is set up or started by the auctioneer, and the lowest price at which it will be sold.
- Upset (n.)
The act of upsetting, or the state of being upset; an overturn; as, the wagon had an upset.
- Upset (v. i.)
To become upset.
- Upset (v. t.)
To disturb the self-possession of; to disorder the nerves of; to make ill; as, the fright upset her.
- Upset (v. t.)
To overturn, overthrow, or overset; as, to upset a carriage; to upset an argument.
- Upset (v. t.)
To set up; to put upright.
- Upset (v. t.)
To shorten (a tire) in the process of resetting, originally by cutting it and hammering on the ends.
- Upset (v. t.)
To thicken and shorten, as a heated piece of iron, by hammering on the end.
- yetis (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- yipes (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.