These are the meanings of the letters UOTLE- when you unscramble them.
- Lout (n.)
A clownish, awkward fellow; a bumpkin.
- Lout (v. i.)
To bend; to box; to stoop.
- Lout (v. t.)
To treat as a lout or fool; to neglect; to disappoint.
- Lute (n.)
A cement of clay or other tenacious infusible substance for sealing joints in apparatus, or the mouths of vessels or tubes, or for coating the bodies of retorts, etc., when exposed to heat; -- called also luting.
- Lute (n.)
A packing ring, as of rubber, for fruit jars, etc.
- Lute (n.)
A straight-edged piece of wood for striking off superfluous clay from mold.
- Lute (n.)
A stringed instrument formerly much in use. It consists of four parts, namely, the table or front, the body, having nine or ten ribs or \"sides,\" arranged like the divisions of a melon, the neck, which has nine or ten frets or divisions, and the head, or cross, in which the screws for tuning are inserted. The strings are struck with the right hand, and with the left the stops are pressed.
- Lute (v. i.)
To sound, as a lute. Piers Plowman. Keats.
- Lute (v. t.)
To close or seal with lute; as, to lute on the cover of a crucible; to lute a joint.
- Lute (v. t.)
To play on a lute, or as on a lute.
- Tole (v. t.)
To draw, or cause to follow, by displaying something pleasing or desirable; to allure by some bait.
- Tolu (n.)
A fragrant balsam said to have been first brought from Santiago de Tolu, in New Granada. See Balsam of Tolu, under Balsam.
- Tule (n.)
A large bulrush (Scirpus lacustris, and S. Tatora) growing abundantly on overflowed land in California and elsewhere.