These are the meanings of the letters TUAENH when you unscramble them.
- Haunt (n.)
A place to which one frequently resorts; as, drinking saloons are the haunts of tipplers; a den is the haunt of wild beasts.
- Haunt (n.)
Practice; skill.
- Haunt (n.)
The habit of resorting to a place.
- Haunt (v. i.)
To persist in staying or visiting.
- Haunt (v. t.)
To accustom; to habituate.
- Haunt (v. t.)
To frequent; to resort to frequently; to visit pertinaciously or intrusively; to intrude upon.
- Haunt (v. t.)
To inhabit or frequent as a specter; to visit as a ghost or apparition.
- Haunt (v. t.)
To practice; to devote one's self to.
- haute (unknown)
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- neath (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Thane (n.)
A dignitary under the Anglo-Saxons and Danes in England. Of these there were two orders, the king's thanes, who attended the kings in their courts and held lands immediately of them, and the ordinary thanes, who were lords of manors and who had particular jurisdiction within their limits. After the Conquest, this title was disused, and baron took its place.
- Unhat (v. t. & i.)
To take off the hat of; to remove one's hat, especially as a mark of respect.