These are the meanings of the letters TTBLEOME when you unscramble them.
- bolete (n.)
any fungus of the family Boletaceae.
- Bottle (n.)
A bundle, esp. of hay.
- Bottle (n.)
A hollow vessel, usually of glass or earthenware (but formerly of leather), with a narrow neck or mouth, for holding liquids.
- Bottle (n.)
Fig.: Intoxicating liquor; as, to drown one's reason in the bottle.
- Bottle (n.)
The contents of a bottle; as much as a bottle contains; as, to drink a bottle of wine.
- Bottle (v. t.)
To put into bottles; to inclose in, or as in, a bottle or bottles; to keep or restrain as in a bottle; as, to bottle wine or porter; to bottle up one's wrath.
- Mettle (n.)
Substance or quality of temperament; spirit, esp. as regards honor, courage, fortitude, ardor, etc.; disposition; -- usually in a good sense.
- Mottle (n.)
A mottled appearance.
- Mottle (v. t.)
To mark with spots of different color, or shades of color, as if stained; to spot; to maculate.
- Omelet (n.)
Eggs beaten up with a little flour, etc., and cooked in a frying pan; as, a plain omelet.
- telome (unknown)
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