These are the meanings of the letters TTBIELE when you unscramble them.
- Belie (n.)
To fill with lies.
- Belie (n.)
To give a false representation or account of.
- Belie (n.)
To mimic; to counterfeit.
- Belie (n.)
To show to be false; to convict of, or charge with, falsehood.
- Belie (n.)
To tell lie about; to calumniate; to slander.
- Betel (n.)
A species of pepper (Piper betle), the leaves of which are chewed, with the areca or betel nut and a little shell lime, by the inhabitants of the East Indies. It is a woody climber with ovate many-nerved leaves.
- Blite (n.)
A genus of herbs (Blitum) with a fleshy calyx. Blitum capitatum is the strawberry blite.
- Elite (n.)
A choice or select body; the flower; as, the elite of society.
- Title (n.)
A church to which a priest was ordained, and where he was to reside.
- Title (n.)
A name; an appellation; a designation.
- Title (n.)
A section or division of a subject, as of a law, a book, specif. (Roman & Canon Laws), a chapter or division of a law book.
- Title (n.)
An appellation of dignity, distinction, or preeminence (hereditary or acquired), given to persons, as duke marquis, honorable, esquire, etc.
- Title (n.)
An inscription put over or upon anything as a name by which it is known.
- Title (n.)
That by which a beneficiary holds a benefice.
- Title (n.)
That which constitutes a just cause of exclusive possession; that which is the foundation of ownership of property, real or personal; a right; as, a good title to an estate, or an imperfect title.
- Title (n.)
The inscription in the beginning of a book, usually containing the subject of the work, the author's and publisher's names, the date, etc.
- Title (n.)
The instrument which is evidence of a right.
- Title (n.)
The panel for the name, between the bands of the back of a book.
- Title (n.)
To call by a title; to name; to entitle.