These are the meanings of the letters TSLEUR when you unscramble them.
- Luster (n.)
Alt. of Lustre
- Luster (n.)
One who lusts.
- Luster (v. t.)
Alt. of Lustre
- Lustre (n.)
A candlestick, chandelier, girandole, or the like, generally of an ornamental character.
- Lustre (n.)
A fabric of wool and cotton with a lustrous surface, -- used for women's dresses.
- Lustre (n.)
A substance which imparts luster to a surface, as plumbago and some of the glazes.
- Lustre (n.)
Brilliancy; splendor; brightness; glitter.
- Lustre (n.)
Renown; splendor; distinction; glory.
- Lustre (n.)
Same as Luster.
- Lustre (n.)
The appearance of the surface of a mineral as affected by, or dependent upon, peculiarities of its reflecting qualities.
- Lustre (v. t.)
To make lustrous.
- Result (n.)
A flying back; resilience.
- Result (n.)
That which results; the conclusion or end to which any course or condition of things leads, or which is obtained by any process or operation; consequence or effect; as, the result of a course of action; the result of a mathematical operation.
- Result (n.)
The decision or determination of a council or deliberative assembly; a resolve; a decree.
- Result (v. i.)
To come out, or have an issue; to terminate; to have consequences; -- followed by in; as, this measure will result in good or in evil.
- Result (v. i.)
To leap back; to rebound.
- Result (v. i.)
To proceed, spring, or rise, as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances, consultation, thought, or endeavor.
- Rustle (n.)
A quick succession or confusion of small sounds, like those made by shaking leaves or straw, by rubbing silk, or the like; a rustling.
- Rustle (v. i.)
To make a quick succession of small sounds, like the rubbing or moving of silk cloth or dry leaves.
- Rustle (v. i.)
To stir about energetically; to strive to succeed; to bustle about.
- Rustle (v. t.)
To cause to rustle; as, the wind rustles the leaves.
- Sutler (n.)
A person who follows an army, and sells to the troops provisions, liquors, and the like.
- Ulster (n.)
A long, loose overcoat, worn by men and women, originally made of frieze from Ulster, Ireland.