These are the meanings of the letters TEMA when you unscramble them.
- Mate (a.)
See 2d Mat.
- Mate (n.)
A suitable companion; a match; an equal.
- Mate (n.)
An officer in a merchant vessel ranking next below the captain. If there are more than one bearing the title, they are called, respectively, first mate, second mate, third mate, etc. In the navy, a subordinate officer or assistant; as, master's mate; surgeon's mate.
- Mate (n.)
Hence, specifically, a husband or wife; and among the lower animals, one of a pair associated for propagation and the care of their young.
- Mate (n.)
One who customarily associates with another; a companion; an associate; any object which is associated or combined with a similar object.
- Mate (n.)
Same as Checkmate.
- Mate (n.)
The Paraguay tea, being the dried leaf of the Brazilian holly (Ilex Paraguensis). The infusion has a pleasant odor, with an agreeable bitter taste, and is much used for tea in South America.
- Mate (v. i.)
To be or become a mate or mates, especially in sexual companionship; as, some birds mate for life; this bird will not mate with that one.
- Mate (v. t.)
To checkmate.
- Mate (v. t.)
To confuse; to confound.
- Mate (v. t.)
To match one's self against; to oppose as equal; to compete with.
- Mate (v. t.)
To match; to marry.
- Meat (n.)
Food, in general; anything eaten for nourishment, either by man or beast. Hence, the edible part of anything; as, the meat of a lobster, a nut, or an egg.
- Meat (n.)
Specifically, dinner; the chief meal.
- Meat (n.)
The flesh of animals used as food; esp., animal muscle; as, a breakfast of bread and fruit without meat.
- Meat (v. t.)
To supply with food.
- meta (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Tame (a.)
To reduce from a wild to a domestic state; to make gentle and familiar; to reclaim; to domesticate; as, to tame a wild beast.
- Tame (a.)
To subdue; to conquer; to repress; as, to tame the pride or passions of youth.
- Tame (superl.)
Crushed; subdued; depressed; spiritless.
- Tame (superl.)
Deficient in spirit or animation; spiritless; dull; flat; insipid; as, a tame poem; tame scenery.
- Tame (superl.)
Reduced from a state of native wildness and shyness; accustomed to man; domesticated; domestic; as, a tame deer, a tame bird.
- Tame (v. t.)
To broach or enter upon; to taste, as a liquor; to divide; to distribute; to deal out.
- Team (n.)
A flock of wild ducks.
- Team (n.)
A group of young animals, especially of young ducks; a brood; a litter.
- Team (n.)
A number of persons associated together in any work; a gang; especially, a number of persons selected to contend on one side in a match, or a series of matches, in a cricket, football, rowing, etc.
- Team (n.)
A royalty or privilege granted by royal charter to a lord of a manor, of having, keeping, and judging in his court, his bondmen, neifes, and villains, and their offspring, or suit, that is, goods and chattels, and appurtenances thereto.
- Team (n.)
Hence, a number of animals moving together.
- Team (n.)
Two or more horses, oxen, or other beasts harnessed to the same vehicle for drawing, as to a coach, wagon, sled, or the like.
- Team (v. i.)
To engage in the occupation of driving a team of horses, cattle, or the like, as in conveying or hauling lumber, goods, etc.; to be a teamster.
- Team (v. t.)
To convey or haul with a team; as, to team lumber.