These are the meanings of the letters TAITUQL when you unscramble them.
- Atilt (adv.)
In the manner of a tilter; in the position, or with the action, of one making a thrust.
- Atilt (adv.)
In the position of a cask tilted, or with one end raised. [In this sense sometimes used as an adjective.]
- Quail (n.)
A prostitute; -- so called because the quail was thought to be a very amorous bird.
- Quail (n.)
Any gallinaceous bird belonging to Coturnix and several allied genera of the Old World, especially the common European quail (C. communis), the rain quail (C. Coromandelica) of India, the stubble quail (C. pectoralis), and the Australian swamp quail (Synoicus australis).
- Quail (n.)
Any one of numerous species of Turnix and allied genera, native of the Old World, as the Australian painted quail (Turnix varius). See Turnix.
- Quail (n.)
Any one of several American partridges belonging to Colinus, Callipepla, and allied genera, especially the bobwhite (called Virginia quail, and Maryland quail), and the California quail (Calipepla Californica).
- Quail (v. i.)
To become quelled; to become cast down; to sink under trial or apprehension of danger; to lose the spirit and power of resistance; to lose heart; to give way; to shrink; to cower.
- Quail (v. i.)
To curdle; to coagulate, as milk.
- Quail (v. i.)
To die; to perish; hence, to wither; to fade.
- Quail (v. t.)
To cause to fail in spirit or power; to quell; to crush; to subdue.
- Quilt (n.)
Anything that is quilted; esp., a quilted bed cover, or a skirt worn by women; any cover or garment made by putting wool, cotton, etc., between two cloths and stitching them together; also, any outer bed cover.
- Quilt (v. t.)
To stitch or sew in lines or patterns.
- Quilt (v. t.)
To stitch or sew together at frequent intervals, in order to confine in place the several layers of cloth and wadding of which a garment, comforter, etc., may be made; as, to quilt a coat.
- Quilt (v. t.)
To wad, as a garment, with warm soft material.