These are the meanings of the letters ROEPTN when you unscramble them.
- netop (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Noter (n.)
An annotator.
- Noter (n.)
One who takes notice.
- Prone (a.)
Bending forward; inclined; not erect.
- Prone (a.)
Headlong; running downward or headlong.
- Prone (a.)
Inclined; propense; disposed; -- applied to the mind or affections, usually in an ill sense. Followed by to.
- Prone (a.)
Prostrate; flat; esp., lying with the face down; -- opposed to supine.
- Prone (a.)
Sloping, with reference to a line or surface; declivous; inclined; not level.
- repot (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Tenor (n.)
A person who sings the tenor, or the instrument that play it.
- Tenor (n.)
A state of holding on in a continuous course; manner of continuity; constant mode; general tendency; course; career.
- Tenor (n.)
An exact copy of a writing, set forth in the words and figures of it. It differs from purport, which is only the substance or general import of the instrument.
- Tenor (n.)
Stamp; character; nature.
- Tenor (n.)
That course of thought which holds on through a discourse; the general drift or course of thought; purport; intent; meaning; understanding.
- Tenor (n.)
The higher of the two kinds of voices usually belonging to adult males; hence, the part in the harmony adapted to this voice; the second of the four parts in the scale of sounds, reckoning from the base, and originally the air, to which the other parts were auxillary.
- toner (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Toper (n.)
One who topes, or drinks frequently or to excess; a drunkard; a sot.
- Trone (n.)
A small drain.
- Trone (n.)
A throne.
- Trone (n.)
Alt. of Trones
- Trope (n.)
The use of a word or expression in a different sense from that which properly belongs to it; the use of a word or expression as changed from the original signification to another, for the sake of giving life or emphasis to an idea; a figure of speech.
- Trope (n.)
The word or expression so used.