These are the meanings of the letters RNAWOG when you unscramble them.
- Argon (n.)
A substance regarded as an element, contained in the atmosphere and remarkable for its chemical inertness.
- Gowan (n.)
Decomposed granite.
- Gowan (n.)
The daisy, or mountain daisy.
- Groan (n.)
A low, moaning sound; usually, a deep, mournful sound uttered in pain or great distress; sometimes, an expression of strong disapprobation; as, the remark was received with groans.
- Groan (v. i.)
To give forth a low, moaning sound in breathing; to utter a groan, as in pain, in sorrow, or in derision; to moan.
- Groan (v. i.)
To strive after earnestly, as with groans.
- Groan (v. t.)
To affect by groans.
- Grown ()
p. p. of Grow.
- Grown (p. p.)
of Grow
- Orang (n.)
See Orang-outang.
- Organ (n.)
A component part performing an essential office in the working of any complex machine; as, the cylinder, valves, crank, etc., are organs of the steam engine.
- Organ (n.)
A medium of communication between one person or body and another; as, the secretary of state is the organ of communication between the government and a foreign power; a newspaper is the organ of its editor, or of a party, sect, etc.
- Organ (n.)
A natural part or structure in an animal or a plant, capable of performing some special action (termed its function), which is essential to the life or well-being of the whole; as, the heart, lungs, etc., are organs of animals; the root, stem, foliage, etc., are organs of plants.
- Organ (n.)
A wind instrument containing numerous pipes of various dimensions and kinds, which are filled with wind from a bellows, and played upon by means of keys similar to those of a piano, and sometimes by foot keys or pedals; -- formerly used in the plural, each pipe being considired an organ.
- Organ (n.)
An instrument or medium by which some important action is performed, or an important end accomplished; as, legislatures, courts, armies, taxgatherers, etc., are organs of government.
- Organ (v. t.)
To supply with an organ or organs; to fit with organs; to organize.
- Rowan (n.)
Rowan tree.
- Wagon (n.)
A chariot
- Wagon (n.)
A freight car on a railway.
- Wagon (n.)
A wheeled carriage; a vehicle on four wheels, and usually drawn by horses; especially, one used for carrying freight or merchandise.
- Wagon (n.)
The Dipper, or Charles's Wain.
- Wagon (v. i.)
To wagon goods as a business; as, the man wagons between Philadelphia and its suburbs.
- Wagon (v. t.)
To transport in a wagon or wagons; as, goods are wagoned from city to city.
- wrang (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Wrong ()
imp. of Wring. Wrung.
- Wrong (a.)
Designed to be worn or placed inward; as, the wrong side of a garment or of a piece of cloth.
- Wrong (a.)
Deviation or departure from truth or fact; state of falsity; error; as, to be in the wrong.
- Wrong (a.)
Nonconformity or disobedience to lawful authority, divine or human; deviation from duty; -- the opposite of moral right.
- Wrong (a.)
Not according to the laws of good morals, whether divine or human; not suitable to the highest and best end; not morally right; deviating from rectitude or duty; not just or equitable; not true; not legal; as, a wrong practice; wrong ideas; wrong inclinations and desires.
- Wrong (a.)
Not according to truth; not conforming to fact or intent; not right; mistaken; erroneous; as, a wrong statement.
- Wrong (a.)
Not fit or suitable to an end or object; not appropriate for an intended use; not according to rule; unsuitable; improper; incorrect; as, to hold a book with the wrong end uppermost; to take the wrong way.
- Wrong (a.)
That which is not right.
- Wrong (a.)
Twisted; wry; as, a wrong nose.
- Wrong (a.)
Whatever deviates from moral rectitude; usually, an act that involves evil consequences, as one which inflicts injury on a person; any injury done to, or received from; another; a trespass; a violation of right.
- Wrong (adv.)
In a wrong manner; not rightly; amiss; morally ill; erroneously; wrongly.
- Wrong (v. t.)
To impute evil to unjustly; as, if you suppose me capable of a base act, you wrong me.
- Wrong (v. t.)
To treat with injustice; to deprive of some right, or to withhold some act of justice from; to do undeserved harm to; to deal unjustly with; to injure.