We found 21 words by descrambling these letters OMULD

5 Letter Words Unscrambled From OMULD

4 Letter Words Unscrambled From OMULD

3 Letter Words Unscrambled From OMULD

2 Letter Words Unscrambled From OMULD

More About The Unscrambled Letters in OMULD

Our word finder found 21 words from the 5 scrambled letters in D L M O U you searched for.

These valid words can be used in all popular word scramble games, including Scrabble, Words With Friends, and similar word games.

Furthermore, we grouped the unscrambled letters into the following categories:

What Can The Letters OMULD Mean ?

These are the meanings of the letters OMULD when you unscramble them.

  • Mould ()
    Alt. of Mouldy
  • Mould (n.)
    A fontanel.
  • Mould (n.)
    A frame with a wire cloth bottom, on which the pump is drained to form a sheet, in making paper by hand.
  • Mould (n.)
    A group of moldings; as, the arch mold of a porch or doorway; the pier mold of a Gothic pier, meaning the whole profile, section, or combination of parts.
  • Mould (n.)
    A growth of minute fungi of various kinds, esp. those of the great groups Hyphomycetes, and Physomycetes, forming on damp or decaying organic matter.
  • Mould (n.)
    Cast; form; shape; character.
  • Mould (n.)
    That on which, or in accordance with which, anything is modeled or formed; anything which serves to regulate the size, form, etc., as the pattern or templet used by a shipbuilder, carpenter, or mason.
  • Mould (n.)
    The matrix, or cavity, in which anything is shaped, and from which it takes its form; also, the body or mass containing the cavity; as, a sand mold; a jelly mold.
  • Mould (v.)
    Crumbling, soft, friable earth; esp., earth containing the remains or constituents of organic matter, and suited to the growth of plants; soil.
  • Mould (v.)
    Earthy material; the matter of which anything is formed; composing substance; material.
  • Mould (v. i.)
    To become moldy; to be covered or filled, in whole or in part, with a mold.
  • Mould (v. t.)
    To cause to become moldy; to cause mold to grow upon.
  • Mould (v. t.)
    To cover with mold or soil.
  • Mould (v. t.)
    To form a mold of, as in sand, in which a casting may be made.
  • Mould (v. t.)
    To form into a particular shape; to shape; to model; to fashion.
  • Mould (v. t.)
    To knead; as, to mold dough or bread.
  • Mould (v. t.)
    To ornament by molding or carving the material of; as, a molded window jamb.

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unscramble omuld