These are the meanings of the letters OHLKCE when you unscramble them.
- Choke (n.)
A constriction in the bore of a shotgun, case of a rocket, etc.
- Choke (n.)
A stoppage or irritation of the windpipe, producing the feeling of strangulation.
- Choke (n.)
The tied end of a cartridge.
- Choke (v. i.)
To be checked, as if by choking; to stick.
- Choke (v. i.)
To have the windpipe stopped; to have a spasm of the throat, caused by stoppage or irritation of the windpipe; to be strangled.
- Choke (v. t.)
To affect with a sense of strangulation by passion or strong feeling.
- Choke (v. t.)
To hinder or check, as growth, expansion, progress, etc.; to stifle.
- Choke (v. t.)
To make a choke, as in a cartridge, or in the bore of the barrel of a shotgun.
- Choke (v. t.)
To obstruct by filling up or clogging any passage; to block up.
- Choke (v. t.)
To render unable to breathe by filling, pressing upon, or squeezing the windpipe; to stifle; to suffocate; to strangle.