These are the meanings of the letters O-DTO when you unscramble them.
- Dot (n.)
A marriage portion; dowry.
- Dot (n.)
A small point or spot, made with a pen or other pointed instrument; a speck, or small mark.
- Dot (n.)
Anything small and like a speck comparatively; a small portion or specimen; as, a dot of a child.
- Dot (v. i.)
To make dots or specks.
- Dot (v. t.)
To mark or diversify with small detached objects; as, a landscape dotted with cottages.
- Dot (v. t.)
To mark with dots or small spots; as, to dot a line.
- oot (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Tod (n.)
A bush; a thick shrub; a bushy clump.
- Tod (n.)
A fox; -- probably so named from its bushy tail.
- Tod (n.)
An old weight used in weighing wool, being usually twenty-eight pounds.
- Tod (v. t. & i.)
To weigh; to yield in tods.
- Too (adv.)
Likewise; also; in addition.
- Too (adv.)
Over; more than enough; -- noting excess; as, a thing is too long, too short, or too wide; too high; too many; too much.