We found 62 words by descrambling these letters NDRIAT

5 Letter Words Unscrambled From NDRIAT

4 Letter Words Unscrambled From NDRIAT

3 Letter Words Unscrambled From NDRIAT

2 Letter Words Unscrambled From NDRIAT

More About The Unscrambled Letters in NDRIAT

Our word finder found 62 words from the 6 scrambled letters in A D I N R T you searched for.

These valid words can be used in all popular word scramble games, including Scrabble, Words With Friends, and similar word games.

Furthermore, we grouped the unscrambled letters into the following categories:

What Can The Letters NDRIAT Mean ?

These are the meanings of the letters NDRIAT when you unscramble them.

  • Dinar (n.)
    A petty money of accounts of Persia.
  • Dinar (n.)
    An ancient gold coin of the East.
  • Drain (n.)
    That means of which anything is drained; a channel; a trench; a water course; a sewer; a sink.
  • Drain (n.)
    The act of draining, or of drawing off; gradual and continuous outflow or withdrawal; as, the drain of specie from a country.
  • Drain (n.)
    The grain from the mashing tub; as, brewers' drains.
  • Drain (v. i.)
    To become emptied of liquor by flowing or dropping; as, let the vessel stand and drain.
  • Drain (v. i.)
    To flow gradually; as, the water of low ground drains off.
  • Drain (v. t.)
    To draw off by degrees; to cause to flow gradually out or off; hence, to cause the exhaustion of.
  • Drain (v. t.)
    To exhaust of liquid contents by drawing them off; to make gradually dry or empty; to remove surface water, as from streets, by gutters, etc.; to deprive of moisture; hence, to exhaust; to empty of wealth, resources, or the like; as, to drain a country of its specie.
  • Drain (v. t.)
    To filter.
  • Nadir (n.)
    That point of the heavens, or lower hemisphere, directly opposite the zenith; the inferior pole of the horizon; the point of the celestial sphere directly under the place where we stand.
  • Nadir (n.)
    The lowest point; the time of greatest depression.
  • ranid (unknown)
    Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
  • Riant (a.)
    Laughing; laughable; exciting gayety; gay; merry; delightful to the view, as a landscape.
  • Train (v.)
    A connected line of cars or carriages on a railroad.
  • Train (v.)
    A consecution or succession of connected things; a series.
  • Train (v.)
    A heavy, long sleigh used in Canada for the transportation of merchandise, wood, and the like.
  • Train (v.)
    A line of gunpowder laid to lead fire to a charge, mine, or the like.
  • Train (v.)
    A number of followers; a body of attendants; a retinue; a suite.
  • Train (v.)
    A roll train; as, a 12-inch train.
  • Train (v.)
    Hence, something tied to a lure to entice a hawk; also, a trap for an animal; a snare.
  • Train (v.)
    Regular method; process; course; order; as, things now in a train for settlement.
  • Train (v.)
    That part of a gown which trails behind the wearer.
  • Train (v.)
    That which draws along; especially, persuasion, artifice, or enticement; allurement.
  • Train (v.)
    That which is drawn along in the rear of, or after, something; that which is in the hinder part or rear.
  • Train (v.)
    The after part of a gun carriage; the trail.
  • Train (v.)
    The number of beats of a watch in any certain time.
  • Train (v.)
    The tail of a bird.
  • Train (v. i.)
    To be drilled in military exercises; to do duty in a military company.
  • Train (v. i.)
    To prepare by exercise, diet, instruction, etc., for any physical contest; as, to train for a boat race.
  • Train (v. t.)
    To break, tame, and accustom to draw, as oxen.
  • Train (v. t.)
    To draw along; to trail; to drag.
  • Train (v. t.)
    To draw by persuasion, artifice, or the like; to attract by stratagem; to entice; to allure.
  • Train (v. t.)
    To lead or direct, and form to a wall or espalier; to form to a proper shape, by bending, lopping, or pruning; as, to train young trees.
  • Train (v. t.)
    To teach and form by practice; to educate; to exercise; to discipline; as, to train the militia to the manual exercise; to train soldiers to the use of arms.
  • Train (v. t.)
    To trace, as a lode or any mineral appearance, to its head.
  • Triad (n.)
    A chord of three notes.
  • Triad (n.)
    A union of three; three objects treated as one; a ternary; a trinity; as, a triad of deities.
  • Triad (n.)
    An element or radical whose valence is three.
  • Triad (n.)
    The common chord, consisting of a tone with its third and fifth, with or without the octave.

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3 Letter Words

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