These are the meanings of the letters MROIOHFM when you unscramble them.
- Firm (a.)
The name, title, or style, under which a company transacts business; a partnership of two or more persons; a commercial house; as, the firm of Hope & Co.
- Firm (a.)
To fix or direct with firmness.
- Firm (a.)
To fix; to settle; to confirm; to establish.
- Firm (superl.)
Fixed; hence, closely compressed; compact; substantial; hard; solid; -- applied to the matter of bodies; as, firm flesh; firm muscles, firm wood.
- Firm (superl.)
Indicating firmness; as, a firm tread; a firm countenance.
- Firm (superl.)
Not easily excited or disturbed; unchanging in purpose; fixed; steady; constant; stable; unshaken; not easily changed in feelings or will; strong; as, a firm believer; a firm friend; a firm adherent.
- Firm (superl.)
Solid; -- opposed to fluid; as, firm land.
- Form (n.)
A long seat; a bench; hence, a rank of students in a school; a class; also, a class or rank in society.
- Form (n.)
A shape; an image; a phantom.
- form (n.)
A suffix used to denote in the form / shape of, resembling, etc.; as, valiform; oviform.
- Form (n.)
Constitution; mode of construction, organization, etc.; system; as, a republican form of government.
- Form (n.)
Established method of expression or practice; fixed way of proceeding; conventional or stated scheme; formula; as, a form of prayer.
- Form (n.)
Mode of acting or manifestation to the senses, or the intellect; as, water assumes the form of ice or snow. In modern usage, the elements of a conception furnished by the mind's own activity, as contrasted with its object or condition, which is called the matter; subjectively, a mode of apprehension or belief conceived as dependent on the constitution of the mind; objectively, universal and necessary accompaniments or elements of every object known or thought of.
- Form (n.)
Orderly arrangement; shapeliness; also, comeliness; elegance; beauty.
- Form (n.)
Show without substance; empty, outside appearance; vain, trivial, or conventional ceremony; conventionality; formality; as, a matter of mere form.
- Form (n.)
That assemblage or disposition of qualities which makes a conception, or that internal constitution which makes an existing thing to be what it is; -- called essential or substantial form, and contradistinguished from matter; hence, active or formative nature; law of being or activity; subjectively viewed, an idea; objectively, a law.
- Form (n.)
That by which shape is given or determined; mold; pattern; model.
- Form (n.)
The boundary line of a material object. In painting, more generally, the human body.
- Form (n.)
The combination of planes included under a general crystallographic symbol. It is not necessarily a closed solid.
- Form (n.)
The particular shape or structure of a word or part of speech; as, participial forms; verbal forms.
- Form (n.)
The peculiar characteristics of an organism as a type of others; also, the structure of the parts of an animal or plant.
- Form (n.)
The seat or bed of a hare.
- Form (n.)
The shape and structure of anything, as distinguished from the material of which it is composed; particular disposition or arrangement of matter, giving it individuality or distinctive character; configuration; figure; external appearance.
- Form (n.)
The type or other matter from which an impression is to be taken, arranged and secured in a chase.
- Form (n.)
To derive by grammatical rules, as by adding the proper suffixes and affixes.
- Form (n.)
To give a particular shape to; to shape, mold, or fashion into a certain state or condition; to arrange; to adjust; also, to model by instruction and discipline; to mold by influence, etc.; to train.
- Form (n.)
To give form or shape to; to frame; to construct; to make; to fashion.
- Form (n.)
To go to make up; to act as constituent of; to be the essential or constitutive elements of; to answer for; to make the shape of; -- said of that out of which anything is formed or constituted, in whole or in part.
- Form (n.)
To provide with a form, as a hare. See Form, n., 9.
- Form (v. i.)
To run to a form, as a hare.
- Form (v. i.)
To take a form, definite shape, or arrangement; as, the infantry should form in column.
- From (prep.)
Out of the neighborhood of; lessening or losing proximity to; leaving behind; by reason of; out of; by aid of; -- used whenever departure, setting out, commencement of action, being, state, occurrence, etc., or procedure, emanation, absence, separation, etc., are to be expressed. It is construed with, and indicates, the point of space or time at which the action, state, etc., are regarded as setting out or beginning; also, less frequently, the source, the cause, the occasion, out of which anything proceeds; -- the aritithesis and correlative of to; as, it, is one hundred miles from Boston to Springfield; he took his sword from his side; light proceeds from the sun; separate the coarse wool from the fine; men have all sprung from Adam, and often go from good to bad, and from bad to worse; the merit of an action depends on the principle from which it proceeds; men judge of facts from personal knowledge, or from testimony.
- homo (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Hoof (n.)
A hoofed animal; a beast.
- Hoof (n.)
See Ungula.
- Hoof (n.)
The horny substance or case that covers or terminates the feet of certain animals, as horses, oxen, etc.
- Hoof (v. i.)
To be on a tramp; to foot.
- Hoof (v. i.)
To walk as cattle.
- momi (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Moor (n.)
A game preserve consisting of moorland.
- Moor (n.)
An extensive waste covered with patches of heath, and having a poor, light soil, but sometimes marshy, and abounding in peat; a heath.
- Moor (n.)
Any individual of the swarthy races of Africa or Asia which have adopted the Mohammedan religion.
- Moor (n.)
One of a mixed race inhabiting Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli, chiefly along the coast and in towns.
- Moor (v. i.)
To cast anchor; to become fast.
- Moor (v. t.)
Fig.: To secure, or fix firmly.
- Moor (v. t.)
To fix or secure, as a vessel, in a particular place by casting anchor, or by fastening with cables or chains; as, the vessel was moored in the stream; they moored the boat to the wharf.
- Roof (n.)
That which resembles, or corresponds to, the covering or the ceiling of a house; as, the roof of a cavern; the roof of the mouth.
- Roof (n.)
The cover of any building, including the roofing (see Roofing) and all the materials and construction necessary to carry and maintain the same upon the walls or other uprights. In the case of a building with vaulted ceilings protected by an outer roof, some writers call the vault the roof, and the outer protection the roof mask. It is better, however, to consider the vault as the ceiling only, in cases where it has farther covering.
- Roof (n.)
The surface or bed of rock immediately overlying a bed of coal or a flat vein.
- Roof (v. t.)
To cover with a roof.
- Roof (v. t.)
To inclose in a house; figuratively, to shelter.
- Room (a.)
Spacious; roomy.
- Room (n.)
A particular portion of space appropriated for occupancy; a place to sit, stand, or lie; a seat.
- Room (n.)
Especially, space in a building or ship inclosed or set apart by a partition; an apartment or chamber.
- Room (n.)
Place or position in society; office; rank; post; station; also, a place or station once belonging to, or occupied by, another, and vacated.
- Room (n.)
Possibility of admission; ability to admit; opportunity to act; fit occasion; as, to leave room for hope.
- Room (n.)
Unobstructed spase; space which may be occupied by or devoted to any object; compass; extent of place, great or small; as, there is not room for a house; the table takes up too much room.
- Room (v. i.)
To occupy a room or rooms; to lodge; as, they arranged to room together.