These are the meanings of the letters MHASWOTT when you unscramble them.
- atoms (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- hosta (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- maths (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- matts (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- moats (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Moths (pl. )
of Moth
- motts (unknown)
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- Oaths (pl. )
of Oath
- Shawm (n.)
A wind instrument of music, formerly in use, supposed to have resembled either the clarinet or the hautboy in form.
- Shoat (n.)
A young hog. Same as Shote.
- shott (unknown)
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- Stoat (n.)
The ermine in its summer pelage, when it is reddish brown, but with a black tip to the tail. The name is sometimes applied also to other brown weasels.
- Stoma (n.)
A stigma. See Stigma, n., 6 (a) & (b).
- Stoma (n.)
One of the minute apertures between the cells in many serous membranes.
- Stoma (n.)
The line of dehiscence of the sporangium of a fern. It is usually marked by two transversely elongated cells. See Illust. of Sporangium.
- Stoma (n.)
The minute breathing pores of leaves or other organs opening into the intercellular spaces, and usually bordered by two contractile cells.
- Swath (v. t.)
A band or fillet; a swathe.
- Swath (v. t.)
A line of grass or grain cut and thrown together by the scythe in mowing or cradling.
- Swath (v. t.)
The whole sweep of a scythe, or the whole breadth from which grass or grain is cut by a scythe or a machine, in mowing or cradling; as, to cut a wide swath.
- thaws (unknown)
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- Toast (v.)
A lady in honor of whom persons or a company are invited to drink; -- so called because toasts were formerly put into the liquor, as a great delicacy.
- Toast (v.)
Bread dried and browned before a fire, usually in slices; also, a kind of food prepared by putting slices of toasted bread into milk, gravy, etc.
- Toast (v.)
Hence, any person, especially a person of distinction, in honor of whom a health is drunk; hence, also, anything so commemorated; a sentiment, as \"The land we live in,\" \"The day we celebrate,\" etc.
- Toast (v. t.)
To dry and brown by the heat of a fire; as, to toast bread.
- Toast (v. t.)
To name when a health is proposed to be drunk; to drink to the health, or in honor, of; as, to toast a lady.
- Toast (v. t.)
To warm thoroughly; as, to toast the feet.
- twats (unknown)
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- watts (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- whamo (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- whams (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- whats (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.