These are the meanings of the letters LAUGE when you unscramble them.
- Ague (n.)
A chill, or state of shaking, as with cold.
- Ague (n.)
An acute fever.
- Ague (n.)
An intermittent fever, attended by alternate cold and hot fits.
- Ague (n.)
The cold fit or rigor of the intermittent fever; as, fever and ague.
- Ague (v. t.)
To strike with an ague, or with a cold fit.
- Egal (a.)
Equal; impartial.
- Gale (n.)
A moderate current of air; a breeze.
- Gale (n.)
A plant of the genus Myrica, growing in wet places, and strongly resembling the bayberry. The sweet gale (Myrica Gale) is found both in Europe and in America.
- Gale (n.)
A song or story.
- Gale (n.)
A state of excitement, passion, or hilarity.
- Gale (n.)
A strong current of air; a wind between a stiff breeze and a hurricane. The most violent gales are called tempests.
- Gale (n.)
The payment of a rent or annuity.
- Gale (v. i.)
To sale, or sail fast.
- Gale (v. i.)
To sing.
- Glue (n.)
A hard brittle brownish gelatin, obtained by boiling to a jelly the skins, hoofs, etc., of animals. When gently heated with water, it becomes viscid and tenaceous, and is used as a cement for uniting substances. The name is also given to other adhesive or viscous substances.
- Glue (n.)
To join with glue or a viscous substance; to cause to stick or hold fast, as if with glue; to fix or fasten.
- luge (unknown)
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