These are the meanings of the letters INITVNAE when you unscramble them.
- Innate (a.)
Inborn; native; natural; as, innate vigor; innate eloquence.
- Innate (a.)
Joined by the base to the very tip of a filament; as, an innate anther.
- Innate (a.)
Originating in, or derived from, the constitution of the intellect, as opposed to acquired from experience; as, innate ideas. See A priori, Intuitive.
- Innate (v. t.)
To cause to exit; to call into being.
- Intine (n.)
A transparent, extensible membrane of extreme tenuity, which forms the innermost coating of grains of pollen.
- Invent (v. t.)
To come or light upon; to meet; to find.
- Invent (v. t.)
To discover, as by study or inquiry; to find out; to devise; to contrive or produce for the first time; -- applied commonly to the discovery of some serviceable mode, instrument, or machine.
- Invent (v. t.)
To frame by the imagination; to fabricate mentally; to forge; -- in a good or a bad sense; as, to invent the machinery of a poem; to invent a falsehood.
- Invite (v. i.)
To give invitation.
- Invite (v. t.)
To allure; to draw to; to tempt to come; to induce by pleasure or hope; to attract.
- Invite (v. t.)
To ask; to request; to bid; to summon; to ask to do some act, or go to some place; esp., to ask to an entertainment or visit; to request the company of; as, to invite to dinner, or a wedding, or an excursion.
- Invite (v. t.)
To give occasion for; as, to invite criticism.
- Native (a.)
Arising by birth; having an origin; born.
- Native (a.)
Born in the region in which one lives; as, a native inhabitant, race; grown or originating in the region where used or sold; not foreign or imported; as, native oysters, or strawberries.
- Native (a.)
Conferred by birth; derived from origin; born with one; inherent; inborn; not acquired; as, native genius, cheerfulness, simplicity, rights, etc.
- Native (a.)
Found in nature uncombined with other elements; as, native silver.
- Native (a.)
Found in nature; not artificial; as native sodium chloride.
- Native (a.)
Naturally related; cognate; connected (with).
- Native (a.)
Of or pertaining to one's birth; natal; belonging to the place or the circumstances in which one is born; -- opposed to foreign; as, native land, language, color, etc.
- Native (a.)
Original; constituting the original substance of anything; as, native dust.
- Native (n.)
Any of the live stock found in a region, as distinguished from such as belong to pure and distinct imported breeds.
- Native (n.)
One who, or that which, is born in a place or country referred to; a denizen by birth; an animal, a fruit, or vegetable, produced in a certain region; as, a native of France.