We found 14 words by descrambling these letters IIPWEPE

4 Letter Words Unscrambled From IIPWEPE

3 Letter Words Unscrambled From IIPWEPE

2 Letter Words Unscrambled From IIPWEPE

More About The Unscrambled Letters in IIPWEPE

Our word finder found 14 words from the 7 scrambled letters in E E I I P P W you searched for.

These valid words can be used in all popular word scramble games, including Scrabble, Words With Friends, and similar word games.

Furthermore, we grouped the unscrambled letters into the following categories:

What Can The Letters IIPWEPE Mean ?

These are the meanings of the letters IIPWEPE when you unscramble them.

  • Peep (n.)
    A sly look; a look as through a crevice, or from a place of concealment.
  • Peep (n.)
    Any small sandpiper, as the least sandpiper (Trigna minutilla).
  • Peep (n.)
    First outlook or appearance.
  • Peep (n.)
    The cry of a young chicken; a chirp.
  • Peep (n.)
    The European meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis).
  • Peep (v. i.)
    To begin to appear; to look forth from concealment; to make the first appearance.
  • Peep (v. i.)
    To cry, as a chicken hatching or newly hatched; to chirp; to cheep.
  • Peep (v. i.)
    To look cautiously or slyly; to peer, as through a crevice; to pry.
  • Pipe (n.)
    A boatswain's whistle, used to call the crew to their duties; also, the sound of it.
  • Pipe (n.)
    A cask usually containing two hogsheads, or 126 wine gallons; also, the quantity which it contains.
  • Pipe (n.)
    A passageway for the air in speaking and breathing; the windpipe, or one of its divisions.
  • Pipe (n.)
    A roll formerly used in the English exchequer, otherwise called the Great Roll, on which were taken down the accounts of debts to the king; -- so called because put together like a pipe.
  • Pipe (n.)
    A small bowl with a hollow steam, -- used in smoking tobacco, and, sometimes, other substances.
  • Pipe (n.)
    A wind instrument of music, consisting of a tube or tubes of straw, reed, wood, or metal; any tube which produces musical sounds; as, a shepherd's pipe; the pipe of an organ.
  • Pipe (n.)
    An elongated body or vein of ore.
  • Pipe (n.)
    Any long tube or hollow body of wood, metal, earthenware, or the like: especially, one used as a conductor of water, steam, gas, etc.
  • Pipe (n.)
    The bagpipe; as, the pipes of Lucknow.
  • Pipe (n.)
    The key or sound of the voice.
  • Pipe (n.)
    The peeping whistle, call, or note of a bird.
  • Pipe (v. i.)
    To become hollow in the process of solodifying; -- said of an ingot, as of steel.
  • Pipe (v. i.)
    To call, convey orders, etc., by means of signals on a pipe or whistle carried by a boatswain.
  • Pipe (v. i.)
    To emit or have a shrill sound like that of a pipe; to whistle.
  • Pipe (v. i.)
    To play on a pipe, fife, flute, or other tubular wind instrument of music.
  • Pipe (v. t.)
    To call or direct, as a crew, by the boatswain's whistle.
  • Pipe (v. t.)
    To furnish or equip with pipes; as, to pipe an engine, or a building.
  • Pipe (v. t.)
    To perform, as a tune, by playing on a pipe, flute, fife, etc.; to utter in the shrill tone of a pipe.
  • Weep ()
    imp. of Weep, for wept.
  • Weep (n.)
    The lapwing; the wipe; -- so called from its cry.
  • Weep (v. i.)
    Formerly, to express sorrow, grief, or anguish, by outcry, or by other manifest signs; in modern use, to show grief or other passions by shedding tears; to shed tears; to cry.
  • Weep (v. i.)
    To drop water, or the like; to drip; to be soaked.
  • Weep (v. i.)
    To flow in drops; to run in drops.
  • Weep (v. i.)
    To hang the branches, as if in sorrow; to be pendent; to droop; -- said of a plant or its branches.
  • Weep (v. i.)
    To lament; to complain.
  • Weep (v. t.)
    To lament; to bewail; to bemoan.
  • Weep (v. t.)
    To shed, or pour forth, as tears; to shed drop by drop, as if tears; as, to weep tears of joy.
  • Wipe (n.)
    A blow; a stroke; a hit; a swipe.
  • Wipe (n.)
    A gibe; a jeer; a severe sarcasm.
  • Wipe (n.)
    A handkerchief.
  • Wipe (n.)
    Act of rubbing, esp. in order to clean.
  • Wipe (n.)
    Stain; brand.
  • Wipe (n.)
    The lapwing.
  • Wipe (v. t.)
    To cheat; to defraud; to trick; -- usually followed by out.
  • Wipe (v. t.)
    To remove by rubbing; to rub off; to obliterate; -- usually followed by away, off or out. Also used figuratively.
  • Wipe (v. t.)
    To rub with something soft for cleaning; to clean or dry by rubbing; as, to wipe the hands or face with a towel.

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