We found 25 words by descrambling these letters GUADED

4 Letter Words Unscrambled From GUADED

3 Letter Words Unscrambled From GUADED

2 Letter Words Unscrambled From GUADED

More About The Unscrambled Letters in GUADED

Our word finder found 25 words from the 6 scrambled letters in A D D E G U you searched for.

These valid words can be used in all popular word scramble games, including Scrabble, Words With Friends, and similar word games.

Furthermore, we grouped the unscrambled letters into the following categories:

What Can The Letters GUADED Mean ?

These are the meanings of the letters GUADED when you unscramble them.

  • Aged (a.)
    Belonging to old age.
  • Aged (a.)
    Having a certain age; at the age of; having lived; as, a man aged forty years.
  • Aged (a.)
    Old; having lived long; having lived almost to or beyond the usual time allotted to that species of being; as, an aged man; an aged oak.
  • Aged (imp. & p. p.)
    of Age
  • Ague (n.)
    A chill, or state of shaking, as with cold.
  • Ague (n.)
    An acute fever.
  • Ague (n.)
    An intermittent fever, attended by alternate cold and hot fits.
  • Ague (n.)
    The cold fit or rigor of the intermittent fever; as, fever and ague.
  • Ague (v. t.)
    To strike with an ague, or with a cold fit.
  • Dead (a.)
    Bringing death; deadly.
  • Dead (a.)
    Cut off from the rights of a citizen; deprived of the power of enjoying the rights of property; as, one banished or becoming a monk is civilly dead.
  • Dead (a.)
    Deprived of life; -- opposed to alive and living; reduced to that state of a being in which the organs of motion and life have irrevocably ceased to perform their functions; as, a dead tree; a dead man.
  • Dead (a.)
    Destitute of life; inanimate; as, dead matter.
  • Dead (a.)
    Flat; without gloss; -- said of painting which has been applied purposely to have this effect.
  • Dead (a.)
    Lacking spirit; dull; lusterless; cheerless; as, dead eye; dead fire; dead color, etc.
  • Dead (a.)
    Monotonous or unvaried; as, a dead level or pain; a dead wall.
  • Dead (a.)
    Not brilliant; not rich; thus, brown is a dead color, as compared with crimson.
  • Dead (a.)
    Not imparting motion or power; as, the dead spindle of a lathe, etc. See Spindle.
  • Dead (a.)
    Resembling death in appearance or quality; without show of life; deathlike; as, a dead sleep.
  • Dead (a.)
    So constructed as not to transmit sound; soundless; as, a dead floor.
  • Dead (a.)
    Still as death; motionless; inactive; useless; as, dead calm; a dead load or weight.
  • Dead (a.)
    Sure as death; unerring; fixed; complete; as, a dead shot; a dead certainty.
  • Dead (a.)
    Unproductive; bringing no gain; unprofitable; as, dead capital; dead stock in trade.
  • Dead (a.)
    Wanting in religious spirit and vitality; as, dead faith; dead works.
  • Dead (adv.)
    To a degree resembling death; to the last degree; completely; wholly.
  • Dead (n.)
    One who is dead; -- commonly used collectively.
  • Dead (n.)
    The most quiet or deathlike time; the period of profoundest repose, inertness, or gloom; as, the dead of winter.
  • Dead (v. i.)
    To die; to lose life or force.
  • Dead (v. t.)
    To make dead; to deaden; to deprive of life, force, or vigor.
  • Duad (n.)
    A union of two; duality.
  • Dude (n.)
    A kind of dandy; especially, one characterized by an ultrafashionable style of dress and other affectations.
  • Egad (interj.)
    An exclamation expressing exultation or surprise, etc.
  • gaed (unknown)
    Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
  • Gaud (n.)
    An ornament; a piece of worthless finery; a trinket.
  • Gaud (n.)
    Deceit; fraud; artifice; device.
  • Gaud (n.)
    To sport or keep festival.
  • Gaud (n.)
    Trick; jest; sport.
  • Gaud (v. t.)
    To bedeck gaudily; to decorate with gauds or showy trinkets or colors; to paint.
  • gude (unknown)
    Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.

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