We found 40 words by descrambling these letters ENBAT

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More About The Unscrambled Letters in ENBAT

Our word finder found 40 words from the 5 scrambled letters in A B E N T you searched for.

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What Can The Letters ENBAT Mean ?

These are the meanings of the letters ENBAT when you unscramble them.

  • Abet (n.)
    Act of abetting; aid.
  • Abet (v. t.)
    To contribute, as an assistant or instigator, to the commission of an offense.
  • Abet (v. t.)
    To instigate or encourage by aid or countenance; -- used in a bad sense of persons and acts; as, to abet an ill-doer; to abet one in his wicked courses; to abet vice; to abet an insurrection.
  • Abet (v. t.)
    To support, uphold, or aid; to maintain; -- in a good sense.
  • Ante (n.)
    Each player's stake, which is put into the pool before (ante) the game begins.
  • Ante (v. t. & i.)
    To put up (an ante).
  • Bane (n.)
    A disease in sheep, commonly termed the rot.
  • Bane (n.)
    Any cause of ruin, or lasting injury; harm; woe.
  • Bane (n.)
    Destruction; death.
  • Bane (n.)
    That which destroys life, esp. poison of a deadly quality.
  • Bane (v. t.)
    To be the bane of; to ruin.
  • Bate ()
    imp. of Bite.
  • Bate (n.)
    An alkaline solution consisting of the dung of certain animals; -- employed in the preparation of hides; grainer.
  • Bate (n.)
    See 2d Bath.
  • Bate (n.)
    Strife; contention.
  • Bate (v. i.)
    To flutter as a hawk; to bait.
  • Bate (v. i.)
    To remit or retrench a part; -- with of.
  • Bate (v. i.)
    To waste away.
  • Bate (v. t.)
    To allow by way of abatement or deduction.
  • Bate (v. t.)
    To attack; to bait.
  • Bate (v. t.)
    To deprive of.
  • Bate (v. t.)
    To leave out; to except.
  • Bate (v. t.)
    To lessen by retrenching, deducting, or reducing; to abate; to beat down; to lower.
  • Bate (v. t.)
    To remove.
  • Bate (v. t.)
    To steep in bate, as hides, in the manufacture of leather.
  • Bean (n.)
    A name given to the seed of certain leguminous herbs, chiefly of the genera Faba, Phaseolus, and Dolichos; also, to the herbs.
  • Bean (n.)
    The popular name of other vegetable seeds or fruits, more or less resembling true beans.
  • Beat (a.)
    Weary; tired; fatigued; exhausted.
  • Beat (imp.)
    of Beat
  • Beat (n.)
    A recurring stroke; a throb; a pulsation; as, a beat of the heart; the beat of the pulse.
  • Beat (n.)
    A stroke; a blow.
  • Beat (n.)
    A sudden swelling or reenforcement of a sound, recurring at regular intervals, and produced by the interference of sound waves of slightly different periods of vibrations; applied also, by analogy, to other kinds of wave motions; the pulsation or throbbing produced by the vibrating together of two tones not quite in unison. See Beat, v. i., 8.
  • Beat (n.)
    A transient grace note, struck immediately before the one it is intended to ornament.
  • Beat (n.)
    The rise or fall of the hand or foot, marking the divisions of time; a division of the measure so marked. In the rhythm of music the beat is the unit.
  • Beat (p. p.)
    of Beat
  • Beat (v. i.)
    A cheat or swindler of the lowest grade; -- often emphasized by dead; as, a dead beat.
  • Beat (v. i.)
    A place of habitual or frequent resort.
  • Beat (v. i.)
    A round or course which is frequently gone over; as, a watchman's beat.
  • Beat (v. i.)
    To be in agitation or doubt.
  • Beat (v. i.)
    To come or act with violence; to dash or fall with force; to strike anything, as, rain, wind, and waves do.
  • Beat (v. i.)
    To make a sound when struck; as, the drums beat.
  • Beat (v. i.)
    To make a succession of strokes on a drum; as, the drummers beat to call soldiers to their quarters.
  • Beat (v. i.)
    To make progress against the wind, by sailing in a zigzag line or traverse.
  • Beat (v. i.)
    To move with pulsation or throbbing.
  • Beat (v. i.)
    To sound with more or less rapid alternations of greater and less intensity, so as to produce a pulsating effect; -- said of instruments, tones, or vibrations, not perfectly in unison.
  • Beat (v. i.)
    To strike repeatedly; to inflict repeated blows; to knock vigorously or loudly.
  • Beat (v. t.)
    To cheat; to chouse; to swindle; to defraud; -- often with out.
  • Beat (v. t.)
    To dash against, or strike, as with water or wind.
  • Beat (v. t.)
    To exercise severely; to perplex; to trouble.
  • Beat (v. t.)
    To give the signal for, by beat of drum; to sound by beat of drum; as, to beat an alarm, a charge, a parley, a retreat; to beat the general, the reveille, the tattoo. See Alarm, Charge, Parley, etc.
  • Beat (v. t.)
    To overcome in a battle, contest, strife, race, game, etc.; to vanquish or conquer; to surpass.
  • Beat (v. t.)
    To punish by blows; to thrash.
  • Beat (v. t.)
    To scour or range over in hunting, accompanied with the noise made by striking bushes, etc., for the purpose of rousing game.
  • Beat (v. t.)
    To strike repeatedly; to lay repeated blows upon; as, to beat one's breast; to beat iron so as to shape it; to beat grain, in order to force out the seeds; to beat eggs and sugar; to beat a drum.
  • Beat (v. t.)
    To tread, as a path.
  • Bent ()
    imp. & p. p. of Bend.
  • Bent ()
    of Bend
  • Bent (a. & p. p.)
    Changed by pressure so as to be no longer straight; crooked; as, a bent pin; a bent lever.
  • Bent (a. & p. p.)
    Strongly inclined toward something, so as to be resolved, determined, set, etc.; -- said of the mind, character, disposition, desires, etc., and used with on; as, to be bent on going to college; he is bent on mischief.
  • Bent (n.)
    A grass of the genus Agrostis, esp. Agrostis vulgaris, or redtop. The name is also used of many other grasses, esp. in America.
  • Bent (n.)
    A reedlike grass; a stalk of stiff, coarse grass.
  • Bent (n.)
    Any neglected field or broken ground; a common; a moor.
  • Bent (v.)
    A declivity or slope, as of a hill.
  • Bent (v.)
    A leaning or bias; proclivity; tendency of mind; inclination; disposition; purpose; aim.
  • Bent (v.)
    A transverse frame of a framed structure.
  • Bent (v.)
    Particular direction or tendency; flexion; course.
  • Bent (v.)
    Tension; force of acting; energy; impetus.
  • Bent (v.)
    The state of being curved, crooked, or inclined from a straight line; flexure; curvity; as, the bent of a bow.
  • beta (unknown)
    Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
  • Etna (n.)
    A kind of small, portable, cooking apparatus for which heat is furnished by a spirit lamp.
  • nabe (unknown)
    Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
  • Neat (a.)
    Excellent in character, skill, or performance, etc.; nice; finished; adroit; as, a neat design; a neat thief.
  • Neat (a.)
    Free from admixture or adulteration; good of its kind; as, neat brandy.
  • Neat (a.)
    Free from that which soils, defiles, or disorders; clean; cleanly; tidy.
  • Neat (a.)
    Free from what is unbecoming, inappropriate, or tawdry; simple and becoming; pleasing with simplicity; tasteful; chaste; as, a neat style; a neat dress.
  • Neat (a.)
    With all deductions or allowances made; net. [In this sense usually written net. See Net, a., 3.]
  • Neat (n.)
    Of or pertaining to the genus Bos, or to cattle of that genus; as, neat cattle.
  • Neat (n. sing. & pl.)
    Cattle of the genus Bos, as distinguished from horses, sheep, and goats; an animal of the genus Bos; as, a neat's tongue; a neat's foot.

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