We found 18 words by descrambling these letters EINFW

4 Letter Words Unscrambled From EINFW

3 Letter Words Unscrambled From EINFW

2 Letter Words Unscrambled From EINFW

More About The Unscrambled Letters in EINFW

Our word finder found 18 words from the 5 scrambled letters in E F I N W you searched for.

These valid words can be used in all popular word scramble games, including Scrabble, Words With Friends, and similar word games.

Furthermore, we grouped the unscrambled letters into the following categories:

What Can The Letters EINFW Mean ?

These are the meanings of the letters EINFW when you unscramble them.

  • Fine (a.)
    To change by fine gradations; as (Naut.), to fine down a ship's lines, to diminish her lines gradually.
  • Fine (a.)
    To make fine; to refine; to purify, to clarify; as, to fine gold.
  • Fine (a.)
    To make finer, or less coarse, as in bulk, texture, etc.; as. to fine the soil.
  • Fine (n.)
    A final agreement concerning lands or rents between persons, as the lord and his vassal.
  • Fine (n.)
    A sum of money or price paid for obtaining a benefit, favor, or privilege, as for admission to a copyhold, or for obtaining or renewing a lease.
  • Fine (n.)
    A sum of money paid as the settlement of a claim, or by way of terminating a matter in dispute; especially, a payment of money imposed upon a party as a punishment for an offense; a mulct.
  • Fine (n.)
    End; conclusion; termination; extinction.
  • Fine (n.)
    To impose a pecuniary penalty upon for an offense or breach of law; to set a fine on by judgment of a court; to punish by fine; to mulct; as, the trespassers were fined ten dollars.
  • Fine (superl.)
    (Used ironically.)
  • Fine (superl.)
    Aiming at show or effect; loaded with ornament; overdressed or overdecorated; showy.
  • Fine (superl.)
    Finished; brought to perfection; refined; hence, free from impurity; excellent; superior; elegant; worthy of admiration; accomplished; beautiful.
  • Fine (superl.)
    Having (such) a proportion of pure metal in its composition; as, coins nine tenths fine.
  • Fine (superl.)
    Made of fine materials; light; delicate; as, fine linen or silk.
  • Fine (superl.)
    Nice; delicate; subtle; exquisite; artful; skillful; dexterous.
  • Fine (superl.)
    Not coarse, gross, or heavy
  • Fine (superl.)
    Not coarse; comminuted; in small particles; as, fine sand or flour.
  • Fine (superl.)
    Not gross; subtile; thin; tenous.
  • Fine (superl.)
    Not thick or heavy; slender; filmy; as, a fine thread.
  • Fine (superl.)
    Thin; attenuate; keen; as, a fine edge.
  • Fine (v. i.)
    To pay a fine. See Fine, n., 3 (b).
  • Fine (v. t.)
    To finish; to cease; or to cause to cease.
  • Neif (n.)
    Alt. of Neaf
  • Neif (n.)
    Alt. of Neife
  • Wife (n.)
    A woman; an adult female; -- now used in literature only in certain compounds and phrases, as alewife, fishwife, goodwife, and the like.
  • Wife (n.)
    The lawful consort of a man; a woman who is united to a man in wedlock; a woman who has a husband; a married woman; -- correlative of husband.
  • Wine (n.)
    A liquor or beverage prepared from the juice of any fruit or plant by a process similar to that for grape wine; as, currant wine; gooseberry wine; palm wine.
  • Wine (n.)
    The effect of drinking wine in excess; intoxication.
  • Wine (n.)
    The expressed juice of grapes, esp. when fermented; a beverage or liquor prepared from grapes by squeezing out their juice, and (usually) allowing it to ferment.

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