These are the meanings of the letters EGTWGIR when you unscramble them.
- Tiger (n.)
A kind of growl or screech, after cheering; as, three cheers and a tiger.
- Tiger (n.)
A pneumatic box or pan used in refining sugar.
- Tiger (n.)
A servant in livery, who rides with his master or mistress.
- Tiger (n.)
A very large and powerful carnivore (Felis tigris) native of Southern Asia and the East Indies. Its back and sides are tawny or rufous yellow, transversely striped with black, the tail is ringed with black, the throat and belly are nearly white. When full grown, it equals or exceeds the lion in size and strength. Called also royal tiger, and Bengal tiger.
- Tiger (n.)
Fig.: A ferocious, bloodthirsty person.
- twier (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Write (v. i.)
To be regularly employed or occupied in writing, copying, or accounting; to act as clerk or amanuensis; as, he writes in one of the public offices.
- Write (v. i.)
To compose or send letters.
- Write (v. i.)
To form characters, letters, or figures, as representative of sounds or ideas; to express words and sentences by written signs.
- Write (v. i.)
To frame or combine ideas, and express them in written words; to play the author; to recite or relate in books; to compose.
- Write (v. t.)
Hence, to compose or produce, as an author.
- Write (v. t.)
To impress durably; to imprint; to engrave; as, truth written on the heart.
- Write (v. t.)
To make known by writing; to record; to prove by one's own written testimony; -- often used reflexively.
- Write (v. t.)
To set down for reading; to express in legible or intelligible characters; to inscribe; as, to write a deed; to write a bill of divorcement; hence, specifically, to set down in an epistle; to communicate by letter.
- Write (v. t.)
To set down, as legible characters; to form the conveyance of meaning; to inscribe on any material by a suitable instrument; as, to write the characters called letters; to write figures.