These are the meanings of the letters EAPRWTOT when you unscramble them.
- Patter (n.)
A quick succession of slight sounds; as, the patter of rain; the patter of little feet.
- Patter (n.)
Glib and rapid speech; a voluble harangue.
- Patter (n.)
The cant of a class; patois; as, thieves's patter; gypsies' patter.
- Patter (v. i.)
To mutter; as prayers.
- Patter (v. i.)
To mutter; to mumble; as, to patter with the lips.
- Patter (v. i.)
To strike with a quick succession of slight, sharp sounds; as, pattering rain or hail; pattering feet.
- Patter (v. i.)
To talk glibly; to chatter; to harangue.
- Patter (v. t.)
To spatter; to sprinkle.
- Potter (n.)
One who hawks crockery or earthenware.
- Potter (n.)
One who pots meats or other eatables.
- Potter (n.)
One whose occupation is to make earthen vessels.
- Potter (n.)
The red-bellied terrapin. See Terrapin.
- Potter (v. i.)
To busy one's self with trifles; to labor with little purpose, energy, of effect; to trifle; to pother.
- Potter (v. i.)
To walk lazily or idly; to saunter.
- Potter (v. t.)
To poke; to push; also, to disturb; to confuse; to bother.
- Powter (n.)
See Pouter.
- protea (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Rotate (a.)
Having the parts spreading out like a wheel; wheel-shaped; as, a rotate spicule or scale; a rotate corolla, i.e., a monopetalous corolla with a flattish border, and no tube or a very short one.
- Rotate (v. i.)
To cause to succeed in turn; esp., to cause to succeed some one, or to be succeeded by some one, in office.
- Rotate (v. i.)
To cause to turn round or revolve, as a wheel around an axle.
- Rotate (v. i.)
To perform any act, function, or operation in turn, to hold office in turn; as, to rotate in office.
- Rotate (v. i.)
To turn, as a wheel, round an axis; to revolve.
- Teapot (n.)
A vessel with a spout, in which tea is made, and from which it is poured into teacups.
- watter (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.