These are the meanings of the letters DUGBY when you unscramble them.
- Bud (n.)
A small protuberance on certain low forms of animals and vegetables which develops into a new organism, either free or attached. See Hydra.
- Bud (n.)
A small protuberance on the stem or branches of a plant, containing the rudiments of future leaves, flowers, or stems; an undeveloped branch or flower.
- Bud (v. i.)
To be like a bud in respect to youth and freshness, or growth and promise; as, a budding virgin.
- Bud (v. i.)
To begin to grow, or to issue from a stock in the manner of a bud, as a horn.
- Bud (v. i.)
To put forth or produce buds, as a plant; to grow, as a bud does, into a flower or shoot.
- Bud (v. t.)
To graft, as a plant with another or into another, by inserting a bud from the one into an opening in the bark of the other, in order to raise, upon the budded stock, fruit different from that which it would naturally bear.
- Bug (n.)
A bugbear; anything which terrifies.
- Bug (n.)
A general name applied to various insects belonging to the Hemiptera; as, the squash bug; the chinch bug, etc.
- Bug (n.)
An insect of the genus Cimex, especially the bedbug (C. lectularius). See Bedbug.
- Bug (n.)
One of certain kinds of Crustacea; as, the sow bug; pill bug; bait bug; salve bug, etc.
- Bug (n.)
One of various species of Coleoptera; as, the ladybug; potato bug, etc.; loosely, any beetle.
- Buy (v. i.)
To negotiate or treat about a purchase.
- Buy (v. t.)
To acquire or procure by something given or done in exchange, literally or figuratively; to get, at a cost or sacrifice; to buy pleasure with pain.
- Buy (v. t.)
To acquire the ownership of (property) by giving an accepted price or consideration therefor, or by agreeing to do so; to acquire by the payment of a price or value; to purchase; -- opposed to sell.
- Dub (n.)
A blow.
- Dub (n.)
A pool or puddle.
- Dub (v. i.)
To make a noise by brisk drumbeats.
- Dub (v. t.)
To clothe or invest; to ornament; to adorn.
- Dub (v. t.)
To confer knighthood upon; as, the king dubbed his son Henry a knight.
- Dub (v. t.)
To dress with an adz; as, to dub a stick of timber smooth.
- Dub (v. t.)
To invest with any dignity or new character; to entitle; to call.
- Dub (v. t.)
To prepare for fighting, as a gamecock, by trimming the hackles and cutting off the comb and wattles.
- Dub (v. t.)
To rub or dress with grease, as leather in the process of cyrrying it.
- Dub (v. t.)
To strike cloth with teasels to raise a nap.
- Dub (v. t.)
To strike, rub, or dress smooth; to dab;
- Dug (imp. & p. p.)
of Dig
- Dug (imp. & p. p.)
of Dig.
- Dug (n.)
A teat, pap, or nipple; -- formerly that of a human mother, now that of a cow or other beast.
- Guy (n.)
A grotesque effigy, like that of Guy Fawkes, dressed up in England on the fifth of November, the day of the Gunpowder Plot.
- Guy (n.)
A person of queer looks or dress.
- Guy (n.)
A rope, chain, or rod attached to anything to steady it; as: a rope to steady or guide an object which is being hoisted or lowered; a rope which holds in place the end of a boom, spar, or yard in a ship; a chain or wire rope connecting a suspension bridge with the land on either side to prevent lateral swaying; a rod or rope attached to the top of a structure, as of a derrick, and extending obliquely to the ground, where it is fastened.
- Guy (v. t.)
To fool; to baffle; to make (a person) an object of ridicule.
- Guy (v. t.)
To steady or guide with a guy.