We found 33 words by descrambling these letters CNAMAE

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More About The Unscrambled Letters in CNAMAE

Our word finder found 33 words from the 6 scrambled letters in A A C E M N you searched for.

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What Can The Letters CNAMAE Mean ?

These are the meanings of the letters CNAMAE when you unscramble them.

  • Acme (n.)
    Mature age; full bloom of life.
  • Acme (n.)
    The crisis or height of a disease.
  • Acme (n.)
    The top or highest point; the culmination.
  • Acne (n.)
    A pustular affection of the skin, due to changes in the sebaceous glands.
  • Amen (interj., adv., & n.)
    An expression used at the end of prayers, and meaning, So be it. At the end of a creed, it is a solemn asseveration of belief. When it introduces a declaration, it is equivalent to truly, verily.
  • Amen (v. t.)
    To say Amen to; to sanction fully.
  • Came ()
    imp. of Come.
  • Came (imp.)
    of Come
  • Came (n.)
    A slender rod of cast lead, with or without grooves, used, in casements and stained-glass windows, to hold together the panes or pieces of glass.
  • Cane (n.)
    A lance or dart made of cane.
  • Cane (n.)
    A local European measure of length. See Canna.
  • Cane (n.)
    A name given to several peculiar palms, species of Calamus and Daemanorops, having very long, smooth flexible stems, commonly called rattans.
  • Cane (n.)
    A walking stick; a staff; -- so called because originally made of one the species of cane.
  • Cane (n.)
    Any plant with long, hard, elastic stems, as reeds and bamboos of many kinds; also, the sugar cane.
  • Cane (n.)
    Stems of other plants are sometimes called canes; as, the canes of a raspberry.
  • Cane (v. t.)
    To beat with a cane.
  • Cane (v. t.)
    To make or furnish with cane or rattan; as, to cane chairs.
  • Mace (n.)
    A heavy staff or club of metal; a spiked club; -- used as weapon in war before the general use of firearms, especially in the Middle Ages, for breaking metal armor.
  • Mace (n.)
    A kind of spice; the aril which partly covers nutmegs. See Nutmeg.
  • Mace (n.)
    A knobbed mallet used by curriers in dressing leather to make it supple.
  • Mace (n.)
    A money of account in China equal to one tenth of a tael; also, a weight of 57.98 grains.
  • Mace (n.)
    A rod for playing billiards, having one end suited to resting on the table and pushed with one hand.
  • Mace (n.)
    A staff borne by, or carried before, a magistrate as an ensign of his authority.
  • Mace (n.)
    An officer who carries a mace as an emblem of authority.
  • mana (unknown)
    Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
  • Mane (n.)
    The long and heavy hair growing on the upper side of, or about, the neck of some quadrupedal animals, as the horse, the lion, etc. See Illust. of Horse.
  • Mean (a.)
    Average; having an intermediate value between two extremes, or between the several successive values of a variable quantity during one cycle of variation; as, mean distance; mean motion; mean solar day.
  • Mean (a.)
    Intermediate in excellence of any kind.
  • Mean (a.)
    Occupying a middle position; middle; being about midway between extremes.
  • Mean (n.)
    A mediator; a go-between.
  • Mean (n.)
    A part, whether alto or tenor, intermediate between the soprano and base; a middle part.
  • Mean (n.)
    A quantity having an intermediate value between several others, from which it is derived, and of which it expresses the resultant value; usually, unless otherwise specified, it is the simple average, formed by adding the quantities together and dividing by their number, which is called an arithmetical mean. A geometrical mean is the square root of the product of the quantities.
  • Mean (n.)
    Hence: Resources; property, revenue, or the like, considered as the condition of easy livelihood, or an instrumentality at command for effecting any purpose; disposable force or substance.
  • Mean (n.)
    Meantime; meanwhile.
  • Mean (n.)
    That through which, or by the help of which, an end is attained; something tending to an object desired; intermediate agency or measure; necessary condition or coagent; instrument.
  • Mean (n.)
    That which is mean, or intermediate, between two extremes of place, time, or number; the middle point or place; middle rate or degree; mediocrity; medium; absence of extremes or excess; moderation; measure.
  • Mean (superl.)
    Destitute of distinction or eminence; common; low; vulgar; humble.
  • Mean (superl.)
    Of little value or account; worthy of little or no regard; contemptible; despicable.
  • Mean (superl.)
    Of poor quality; as, mean fare.
  • Mean (superl.)
    Penurious; stingy; close-fisted; illiberal; as, mean hospitality.
  • Mean (superl.)
    Wanting dignity of mind; low-minded; base; destitute of honor; spiritless; as, a mean motive.
  • Mean (v. i.)
    To have a purpose or intention.
  • Mean (v. t.)
    To have in the mind, as a purpose, intention, etc.; to intend; to purpose; to design; as, what do you mean to do ?
  • Mean (v. t.)
    To signify; to indicate; to import; to denote.
  • Name (n.)
    A descriptive or qualifying appellation given to a person or thing, on account of a character or acts.
  • Name (n.)
    A person, an individual.
  • Name (n.)
    Reputed character; reputation, good or bad; estimation; fame; especially, illustrious character or fame; honorable estimation; distinction.
  • Name (n.)
    The title by which any person or thing is known or designated; a distinctive specific appellation, whether of an individual or a class.
  • Name (n.)
    Those of a certain name; a race; a family.
  • Name (n.)
    To designate (a member) by name, as the Speaker does by way of reprimand.
  • Name (n.)
    To designate by name or specifically for any purpose; to nominate; to specify; to appoint; as, to name a day for the wedding.
  • Name (n.)
    To give a distinctive name or appellation to; to entitle; to denominate; to style; to call.
  • Name (n.)
    To mention by name; to utter or publish the name of; to refer to by distinctive title; to mention.
  • nema (unknown)
    Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.

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3 Letter Words

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