We found 14 words by descrambling these letters BNOUW

3 Letter Words Unscrambled From BNOUW

2 Letter Words Unscrambled From BNOUW

More About The Unscrambled Letters in BNOUW

Our word finder found 14 words from the 5 scrambled letters in B N O U W you searched for.

These valid words can be used in all popular word scramble games, including Scrabble, Words With Friends, and similar word games.

Furthermore, we grouped the unscrambled letters into the following categories:

What Can The Letters BNOUW Mean ?

These are the meanings of the letters BNOUW when you unscramble them.

  • Bow (n.)
    An inclination of the head, or a bending of the body, in token of reverence, respect, civility, or submission; an obeisance; as, a bow of deep humility.
  • Bow (n.)
    One who rows in the forward part of a boat; the bow oar.
  • Bow (n.)
    The bending or rounded part of a ship forward; the stream or prow.
  • Bow (sing. or pl.)
    Two pieces of wood which form the arched forward part of a saddletree.
  • Bow (v. i.)
    To bend the head, knee, or body, in token of reverence or submission; -- often with down.
  • Bow (v. i.)
    To bend; to curve.
  • Bow (v. i.)
    To incline the head in token of salutation, civility, or assent; to make bow.
  • Bow (v. i. )
    To manage the bow.
  • Bow (v. i.)
    To play (music) with a bow.
  • Bow (v. i.)
    To stop.
  • Bow (v. t.)
    A rude sort of quadrant formerly used for taking the sun's altitude at sea.
  • Bow (v. t.)
    A weapon made of a strip of wood, or other elastic material, with a cord connecting the two ends, by means of which an arrow is propelled.
  • Bow (v. t.)
    An appliance consisting of an elastic rod, with a number of horse hairs stretched from end to end of it, used in playing on a stringed instrument.
  • Bow (v. t.)
    An arcograph.
  • Bow (v. t.)
    An ornamental knot, with projecting loops, formed by doubling a ribbon or string.
  • Bow (v. t.)
    Any instrument consisting of an elastic rod, with ends connected by a string, employed for giving reciprocating motion to a drill, or for preparing and arranging the hair, fur, etc., used by hatters.
  • Bow (v. t.)
    Anything bent, or in the form of a curve, as the rainbow.
  • Bow (v. t.)
    The U-shaped piece which embraces the neck of an ox and fastens it to the yoke.
  • Bow (v. t.)
    To bend or incline, as the head or body, in token of respect, gratitude, assent, homage, or condescension.
  • Bow (v. t.)
    To cause to bend down; to prostrate; to depress,;/ to crush; to subdue.
  • Bow (v. t.)
    To cause to deviate from straightness; to bend; to inflect; to make crooked or curved.
  • Bow (v. t.)
    To exercise powerful or controlling influence over; to bend, figuratively; to turn; to incline.
  • Bow (v. t.)
    To express by bowing; as, to bow one's thanks.
  • Bun (n.)
    Alt. of Bunn
  • Nob (n.)
    A person in a superior position in life; a nobleman.
  • Nob (n.)
    The head.
  • Now (a.)
    Existing at the present time; present.
  • Now (adv.)
    At a time contemporaneous with something spoken of or contemplated; at a particular time referred to.
  • Now (adv.)
    At the present time; at this moment; at the time of speaking; instantly; as, I will write now.
  • Now (adv.)
    In present circumstances; things being as they are; -- hence, used as a connective particle, to introduce an inference or an explanation.
  • Now (adv.)
    Very lately; not long ago.
  • Now (n.)
    The present time or moment; the present.
  • Nub (n.)
    A jag, or snag; a knob; a protuberance; also, the point or gist, as of a story.
  • Nub (v. t.)
    To push; to nudge; also, to beckon.
  • Own (a.)
    Belonging to; belonging exclusively or especially to; peculiar; -- most frequently following a possessive pronoun, as my, our, thy, your, his, her, its, their, in order to emphasize or intensify the idea of property, peculiar interest, or exclusive ownership; as, my own father; my own composition; my own idea; at my own price.
  • Own (a.)
    To hold as property; to have a legal or rightful title to; to be the proprietor or possessor of; to possess; as, to own a house.
  • Own (v. t.)
    To grant; to acknowledge; to admit to be true; to confess; to recognize in a particular character; as, we own that we have forfeited your love.
  • Won ()
    imp. & p. p. of Win.
  • Won (imp. & p. p.)
    of Win
  • Won (n.)
    Dwelling; wone.
  • Won (v. i.)
    To dwell or abide.

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