We found 8 words by descrambling these letters BANC

3 Letter Words Unscrambled From BANC

2 Letter Words Unscrambled From BANC

More About The Unscrambled Letters in BANC

Our word finder found 8 words from the 4 scrambled letters in A B C N you searched for.

These valid words can be used in all popular word scramble games, including Scrabble, Words With Friends, and similar word games.

Furthermore, we grouped the unscrambled letters into the following categories:

What Can The Letters BANC Mean ?

These are the meanings of the letters BANC when you unscramble them.

  • Ban (n.)
    A calling together of the king's (esp. the French king's) vassals for military service; also, the body of vassals thus assembled or summoned. In present usage, in France and Prussia, the most effective part of the population liable to military duty and not in the standing army.
  • Ban (n.)
    A curse or anathema.
  • Ban (n.)
    A pecuniary mulct or penalty laid upon a delinquent for offending against a ban; as, a mulct paid to a bishop by one guilty of sacrilege or other crimes.
  • Ban (n.)
    A public proclamation or edict; a public order or notice, mandatory or prohibitory; a summons by public proclamation.
  • Ban (n.)
    An ancient title of the warden of the eastern marches of Hungary; now, a title of the viceroy of Croatia and Slavonia.
  • Ban (n.)
    An interdiction, prohibition, or proscription.
  • Ban (n.)
    Notice of a proposed marriage, proclaimed in church. See Banns (the common spelling in this sense).
  • Ban (v. i.)
    To curse; to swear.
  • Ban (v. t.)
    To curse; to invoke evil upon.
  • Ban (v. t.)
    To forbid; to interdict.
  • Cab (n.)
    A Hebrew dry measure, containing a little over two (2.37) pints.
  • Cab (n.)
    A kind of close carriage with two or four wheels, usually a public vehicle.
  • Cab (n.)
    The covered part of a locomotive, in which the engineer has his station.
  • Can ()
    an obs. form of began, imp. & p. p. of Begin, sometimes used in old poetry. [See Gan.]
  • Can (n.)
    A drinking cup; a vessel for holding liquids.
  • Can (n.)
    A vessel or case of tinned iron or of sheet metal, of various forms, but usually cylindrical; as, a can of tomatoes; an oil can; a milk can.
  • Can (v. t.)
    To preserve by putting in sealed cans
  • Can (v. t. & i.)
    To be able to do; to have power or influence.
  • Can (v. t. & i.)
    To be able; -- followed by an infinitive without to; as, I can go, but do not wish to.
  • Can (v. t. & i.)
    To know; to understand.
  • Nab (n.)
    The cock of a gunlock.
  • Nab (n.)
    The keeper, or box into which the lock is shot.
  • Nab (n.)
    The summit of an eminence.
  • Nab (v. t.)
    To catch or seize suddenly or unexpectedly.

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