We found 31 words by descrambling these letters AUEGLE

6 Letter Words Unscrambled From AUEGLE

5 Letter Words Unscrambled From AUEGLE

4 Letter Words Unscrambled From AUEGLE

3 Letter Words Unscrambled From AUEGLE

2 Letter Words Unscrambled From AUEGLE

More About The Unscrambled Letters in AUEGLE

Our word finder found 31 words from the 6 scrambled letters in A E E G L U you searched for.

These valid words can be used in all popular word scramble games, including Scrabble, Words With Friends, and similar word games.

Furthermore, we grouped the unscrambled letters into the following categories:

What Can The Letters AUEGLE Mean ?

These are the meanings of the letters AUEGLE when you unscramble them.

  • League (n.)
    A measure of length or distance, varying in different countries from about 2.4 to 4.6 English statute miles of 5.280 feet each, and used (as a land measure) chiefly on the continent of Europe, and in the Spanish parts of America. The marine league of England and the United States is equal to three marine, or geographical, miles of 6080 feet each.
  • League (n.)
    A stone erected near a public road to mark the distance of a league.
  • League (n.)
    An alliance or combination of two or more nations, parties, or persons, for the accomplishment of a purpose which requires a continued course of action, as for mutual defense, or for furtherance of commercial, religious, or political interests, etc.
  • League (v. i.)
    To unite in a league or confederacy; to combine for mutual support; to confederate.
  • League (v. t.)
    To join in a league; to cause to combine for a joint purpose; to combine; to unite; as, common interests will league heterogeneous elements.

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