We found 17 words by descrambling these letters ARPT

4 Letter Words Unscrambled From ARPT

3 Letter Words Unscrambled From ARPT

2 Letter Words Unscrambled From ARPT

More About The Unscrambled Letters in ARPT

Our word finder found 17 words from the 4 scrambled letters in A P R T you searched for.

These valid words can be used in all popular word scramble games, including Scrabble, Words With Friends, and similar word games.

Furthermore, we grouped the unscrambled letters into the following categories:

What Can The Letters ARPT Mean ?

These are the meanings of the letters ARPT when you unscramble them.

  • Part (adv.)
    Partly; in a measure.
  • Part (n.)
    A constituent of character or capacity; quality; faculty; talent; -- usually in the plural with a collective sense.
  • Part (n.)
    A constituent portion of a living or spiritual whole; a member; an organ; an essential element.
  • Part (n.)
    A particular character in a drama or a play; an assumed personification; also, the language, actions, and influence of a character or an actor in a play; or, figuratively, in real life. See To act a part, under Act.
  • Part (n.)
    An equal constituent portion; one of several or many like quantities, numbers, etc., into which anything is divided, or of which it is composed; proportional division or ingredient.
  • Part (n.)
    Hence: To hold apart; to stand between; to intervene betwixt, as combatants.
  • Part (n.)
    One of the different melodies of a concerted composition, which heard in union compose its harmony; also, the music for each voice or instrument; as, the treble, tenor, or bass part; the violin part, etc.
  • Part (n.)
    One of the opposing parties or sides in a conflict or a controversy; a faction.
  • Part (n.)
    One of the portions, equal or unequal, into which anything is divided, or regarded as divided; something less than a whole; a number, quantity, mass, or the like, regarded as going to make up, with others, a larger number, quantity, mass, etc., whether actually separate or not; a piece; a fragment; a fraction; a division; a member; a constituent.
  • Part (n.)
    Quarter; region; district; -- usually in the plural.
  • Part (n.)
    Such portion of any quantity, as when taken a certain number of times, will exactly make that quantity; as, 3 is a part of 12; -- the opposite of multiple. Also, a line or other element of a geometrical figure.
  • Part (n.)
    That which belongs to one, or which is assumed by one, or which falls to one, in a division or apportionment; share; portion; lot; interest; concern; duty; office.
  • Part (n.)
    To divide into shares; to divide and distribute; to allot; to apportion; to share.
  • Part (n.)
    To divide; to separate into distinct parts; to break into two or more parts or pieces; to sever.
  • Part (n.)
    To leave; to quit.
  • Part (n.)
    To separate by a process of extraction, elimination, or secretion; as, to part gold from silver.
  • Part (n.)
    To separate or disunite; to cause to go apart; to remove from contact or contiguity; to sunder.
  • Part (v. i.)
    To be broken or divided into parts or pieces; to break; to become separated; to go asunder; as, rope parts; his hair parts in the middle.
  • Part (v. i.)
    To go away; to depart; to take leave; to quit each other; hence, to die; -- often with from.
  • Part (v. i.)
    To have a part or share; to partake.
  • Part (v. i.)
    To perform an act of parting; to relinquish a connection of any kind; -- followed by with or from.
  • prat (unknown)
    Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
  • Rapt ()
    imp. & p. p. of Rap, to snatch away.
  • Rapt ()
    of Rap
  • Rapt (a.)
    An ecstasy; a trance.
  • Rapt (a.)
  • Rapt (a.)
    Snatched away; hurried away or along.
  • Rapt (a.)
    Transported with love, admiration, delight, etc.; enraptured.
  • Rapt (a.)
    Wholly absorbed or engrossed, as in work or meditation.
  • Rapt (v. t.)
    To carry away by force.
  • Rapt (v. t.)
    To transport or ravish.
  • tarp (unknown)
    Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
  • Trap (a.)
    Of or pertaining to trap rock; as, a trap dike.
  • Trap (n.)
    A bend, sag, or partitioned chamber, in a drain, soil pipe, sewer, etc., arranged so that the liquid contents form a seal which prevents passage of air or gas, but permits the flow of liquids.
  • Trap (n.)
    A kind of movable stepladder.
  • Trap (n.)
    A machine or contrivance that shuts suddenly, as with a spring, used for taking game or other animals; as, a trap for foxes.
  • Trap (n.)
    A place in a water pipe, pump, etc., where air accumulates for want of an outlet.
  • Trap (n.)
    A wagon, or other vehicle.
  • Trap (n.)
    A wooden instrument shaped somewhat like a shoe, used in the game of trapball. It consists of a pivoted arm on one end of which is placed the ball to be thrown into the air by striking the other end. Also, a machine for throwing into the air glass balls, clay pigeons, etc., to be shot at.
  • Trap (n.)
    An old term rather loosely used to designate various dark-colored, heavy igneous rocks, including especially the feldspathic-augitic rocks, basalt, dolerite, amygdaloid, etc., but including also some kinds of diorite. Called also trap rock.
  • Trap (n.)
    Fig.: A snare; an ambush; a stratagem; any device by which one may be caught unawares.
  • Trap (n.)
    The game of trapball.
  • Trap (v. i.)
    To set traps for game; to make a business of trapping game; as, to trap for beaver.
  • Trap (v. t.)
    Fig.: To insnare; to take by stratagem; to entrap.
  • Trap (v. t.)
    To catch in a trap or traps; as, to trap foxes.
  • Trap (v. t.)
    To dress with ornaments; to adorn; -- said especially of horses.
  • Trap (v. t.)
    To provide with a trap; as, to trap a drain; to trap a sewer pipe. See 4th Trap, 5.

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3 Letter Words

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