These are the meanings of the letters AILROGC when you unscramble them.
- Caroli (pl. )
of Carolus
- Garlic (n.)
A kind of jig or farce.
- Garlic (n.)
A plant of the genus Allium (A. sativum is the cultivated variety), having a bulbous root, a very strong smell, and an acrid, pungent taste. Each root is composed of several lesser bulbs, called cloves of garlic, inclosed in a common membranous coat, and easily separable.
- Gloria (n.)
A doxology (beginning Gloria Patri, Glory be to the Father), sung or said at the end of the Psalms in the service of the Roman Catholic and other churches.
- Gloria (n.)
A portion of the Mass (Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Glory be to God on high), and also of the communion service in some churches. In the Episcopal Church the version in English is used.
- Gloria (n.)
The musical setting of a gloria.
- Lorica (n.)
A cuirass, originally of leather, afterward of plates of metal or horn sewed on linen or the like.
- Lorica (n.)
Lute for protecting vessels from the fire.
- Lorica (n.)
The protective case or shell of an infusorian or rotifer.
- orgiac (unknown)
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