These are the meanings of the letters AGOENL when you unscramble them.
- Agone (a. & adv.)
- Agone (n.)
Agonic line.
- Alone (a.)
Hence; Unique; rare; matchless.
- Alone (a.)
Of or by itself; by themselves; without any thing more or any one else; without a sharer; only.
- Alone (a.)
Quite by one's self; apart from, or exclusive of, others; single; solitary; -- applied to a person or thing.
- Alone (a.)
Sole; only; exclusive.
- Alone (adv.)
Solely; simply; exclusively.
- Along ()
(Now heard only in the prep. phrase along of.)
- Along (adv.)
By the length; in a line with the length; lengthwise.
- Along (adv.)
In a line, or with a progressive motion; onward; forward.
- Along (adv.)
In company; together.
- Along (prep.)
By the length of, as distinguished from across.
- Angel (n.)
A messenger.
- Angel (n.)
A minister or pastor of a church, as in the Seven Asiatic churches.
- Angel (n.)
A spiritual, celestial being, superior to man in power and intelligence. In the Scriptures the angels appear as God's messengers.
- Angel (n.)
An ancient gold coin of England, bearing the figure of the archangel Michael. It varied in value from 6s. 8d. to 10s.
- Angel (n.)
An appellation given to a person supposed to be of angelic goodness or loveliness; a darling.
- Angel (n.)
Attendant spirit; genius; demon.
- Angel (n.)
One of a class of \"fallen angels;\" an evil spirit; as, the devil and his angels.
- Angle (n.)
A fishhook; tackle for catching fish, consisting of a line, hook, and bait, with or without a rod.
- Angle (n.)
A name given to four of the twelve astrological \"houses.\"
- Angle (n.)
A projecting or sharp corner; an angular fragment.
- Angle (n.)
The difference of direction of two lines. In the lines meet, the point of meeting is the vertex of the angle.
- Angle (n.)
The figure made by. two lines which meet.
- Angle (n.)
The inclosed space near the point where two lines meet; a corner; a nook.
- Angle (v. i.)
To fish with an angle (fishhook), or with hook and line.
- Angle (v. i.)
To use some bait or artifice; to intrigue; to scheme; as, to angle for praise.
- Angle (v. t.)
To try to gain by some insinuating artifice; to allure.
- anglo (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- anole (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- genoa (unknown)
Sorry. I don't have the meaning of this word.
- Glean (n.)
A collection made by gleaning.
- Glean (n.)
Cleaning; afterbirth.
- Glean (v. i.)
To gather stalks or ears of grain left by reapers.
- Glean (v. i.)
To pick up or gather anything by degrees.
- Glean (v. t.)
To collect with patient and minute labor; to pick out; to obtain.
- Glean (v. t.)
To gather after a reaper; to collect in scattered or fragmentary parcels, as the grain left by a reaper, or grapes left after the gathering.
- Glean (v. t.)
To gather from (a field or vineyard) what is left.
- Logan (n.)
A rocking or balanced stone.
- Longe (n.)
A thrust. See Lunge.
- Longe (n.)
Same as 4th Lunge.
- Longe (n.)
The training ground for a horse.