We found 5 words by descrambling these letters DEB

3 Letter Words Unscrambled From DEB

2 Letter Words Unscrambled From DEB

More About The Unscrambled Letters in DEB

Our word finder found 5 words from the 3 scrambled letters in B D E you searched for.

These valid words can be used in all popular word scramble games, including Scrabble, Words With Friends, and similar word games.

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What Can The Letters DEB Mean ?

These are the meanings of the letters DEB when you unscramble them.

  • Bed (n.)
    (Used as the symbol of matrimony) Marriage.
  • Bed (n.)
    A course of stone or brick in a wall.
  • Bed (n.)
    A layer or seam, or a horizontal stratum between layers; as, a bed of coal, iron, etc.
  • Bed (n.)
    A mass or heap of anything arranged like a bed; as, a bed of ashes or coals.
  • Bed (n.)
    A plat or level piece of ground in a garden, usually a little raised above the adjoining ground.
  • Bed (n.)
    An article of furniture to sleep or take rest in or on; a couch. Specifically: A sack or mattress, filled with some soft material, in distinction from the bedstead on which it is placed (as, a feather bed), or this with the bedclothes added. In a general sense, any thing or place used for sleeping or reclining on or in, as a quantity of hay, straw, leaves, or twigs.
  • Bed (n.)
    See Gun carriage, and Mortar bed.
  • Bed (n.)
    The bottom of a watercourse, or of any body of water; as, the bed of a river.
  • Bed (n.)
    The flat part of the press, on which the form is laid.
  • Bed (n.)
    The foundation or the more solid and fixed part or framing of a machine; or a part on which something is laid or supported; as, the bed of an engine.
  • Bed (n.)
    The horizontal surface of a building stone; as, the upper and lower beds.
  • Bed (n.)
    The lower surface of a brick, slate, or tile.
  • Bed (n.)
    The place or material in which a block or brick is laid.
  • Bed (n.)
    The superficial earthwork, or ballast, of a railroad.
  • Bed (v. i.)
    To go to bed; to cohabit.
  • Bed (v. t.)
    To dress or prepare the surface of stone) so as to serve as a bed.
  • Bed (v. t.)
    To furnish with a bed or bedding.
  • Bed (v. t.)
    To lay flat; to lay in order; to place in a horizontal or recumbent position.
  • Bed (v. t.)
    To lay or put in any hollow place, or place of rest and security, surrounded or inclosed; to embed; to furnish with or place upon a bed or foundation; as, to bed a stone; it was bedded on a rock.
  • Bed (v. t.)
    To make partaker of one's bed; to cohabit with.
  • Bed (v. t.)
    To place in a bed.
  • Bed (v. t.)
    To plant or arrange in beds; to set, or cover, as in a bed of soft earth; as, to bed the roots of a plant in mold.
  • deb (unknown)
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